So Kingston by Night went BOOM!

Apr 18, 2010 10:31

What with the Church Hunters killing a few of our community members and the Tremere losing and finding the peices of the Rod to Summon a Demon, somewhere and somehow it all had to go WRONG. And the two clans you don't want demon worshippers in, the Nosferatu and Tremere, had one each. Newt was actually Worm (who saved his own skin and ratted out his fellow coven members but forgot for a few months). And Mr Grey decided to get vindictive about not advancing in vampire society and made a deal to sell his soul for power. All in one two week period.

Needless to say there were some heroic sacrifices (Go Jack!) and some really funny situations but in the end a certain Tremere put his foot in it, literally, and poor Kingston had a full blown demon invasion. The smartest person already left and I can only hope that my poor Nos' luck kept her alive enough to make a partial report and maybe get the Church Hunters to clean up the mess.

I will most likely not be playing in the Requiem game because I am finding that I have very little time to play really and I only have every other weekend free and clear to do anything. But I won't mind listening to the neferaious plans so feel free to bore me with them.

larp, kbn2

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