I love playing Worgen in Cadwallon.

Nov 23, 2009 18:29

Our party is looking for this guy to retrieve some damning information for the Dressmakers Guild in Cadwallon. We find he lives at the Cavalry Students pub. Se we go and it's loud and boisterous. One of our Worgens (wolf type humanoids) gets adopted as the pub mascot after he does some smooth moves while getting our beer. Our goblin locates the guy escaping by turning bed sheets into rope trick. Our goblin is nearly fried with an explosive door.

ST: You see someone dropping down to the ground outside the window.

ME: I jump through the window!

ST and PARTY: !!!!!

ST: You realize you have to go through Morgan (the mage).

ME: "Get out of the way Morgan!"

MOGAN NPCed by ST: "What!!!"

Loud crunch as mage goes through shuttered window but big Worgen can't.

ME: "Sorry Morgan!"

Worgen - act first, patch up later.

We did catch the guy and suffered some injuries of some sort or another. Luckily the mage can heal and so can I.

cadwallon, rpg, nexus

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