*feeling blah*

Nov 18, 2009 14:17

I got the bedroom mostly sorted. I never noticed how much junk piles up on my bureau or the vanity till I sorted through it. I have 4 years worth of Fantasia Film Festival catalogs alone in the books and papers I sorted through.

Played WoW and I have one more level to go to get Patrione the Shaman to level 70.

I am slowly getting the computer room done while I listen to The Dark Carnival on CFRC's Archives. I am starting to find places for all the work and game stuff I have have so it will be easier to find from now on. A place for everything and everything in it's place.

The cat's are confused because I am home a lot more than usual or away when I am not supposed to be.

The Hubby should be home soon so I can rope him into cleaning by taking the recyclables out asap as pick up is tomorrow morning.

I got two library books yesterday and I hope to read them by next Saturday. Alex Rider: Snakehead by A. Horowitz and Deathwish by Rob Thurman. I find I can't sleep anymore unless I read before bedtime.

book, apartment, wow, cfrc, authors, music

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