Easter 2008

Mar 24, 2008 21:31

Busy weekend!

Got to June and Tad's to pick up Diggy. Ceiligh had two puppies. Buddha Monkey was thrilled and being very good about the excitement. She had a total of five by the end of the night. Dog Daddy could be the Husky or Boxer next door. (This should make next Saturday fun when I babysit overnight.)

Took Diggy with me to kusanivy birthday party. Her friend E. was there. We had Chinese for dinner. They got dumplings for me. We caught up on the random fans and other happenings in our lives. Made Cocoa Crackles Cookies for her birthday present. sonic_assassin gave her Red Vs Blue which we all watched. I have never played Halo but I have done capture the flag in WoW. Diggy has played Halo and she was amused. Got my containers back that I left behind that last time I was there.

I miss you already.

Played a lot of Wow with the guild, mostly leveling my Shaman and helping a guildmate get his epic Paladin mount. I hate undead. I made fish and home made chips for dinner.

Went to the bank to deposit some money to make sure the phone does not bounce on Tuesday. The Hubby and I went to Morrisson's for lunch. We just missed the Saturday shopping downtown lunch crowd. Looked at my bank balance. My tax return was direct deposited. (Party!) We went to library to return a book I read. (Reviewed in a previous post.) Dropped by Nexus to see if a certain someone dropped by but we missed him. Made goo goo noises with one of the regular's baby girl. Chatted with Mike.

Went to grocery store and ran into an old LARP acquaintance. Forgot kitty litter and brown sugar.

I have been having a hard time retaining information this weekend. I asked The Hubby three different times when we were being picked to go to the in-laws.

Went to the in-laws for Easter dinner. Gobbled down the turkey dinner and fixings. Ate half slices of Lemon Meringue Pie and Chocolate Pie. Caught up on family matters and gossip. My sister-in-law is now officially known as The Table Nazi. When Jen first met the family, she was scared of her future sister-in-law because she sat in her chair at the family dinner table. And compounded her situation by passing the food the wrong way around the table. Poor Jen thought she was a not going to fit into the family.

I could kick myself because I left my camera at home. And wouldn't you know it - we had two sightings of deer on the way home at dusk.

Got some emails done.

Got my favourite tea.

Ran into same LARP acquaintance and his wife this time in one of the dollar stores. They are back in school I found out and I hope they do well when they graduate.

Got coffee and a butter tart at Coffeys. Apparently I just missed the worst of the lunch crowd. Seems they were busy all morning. I guess a lot of people ate out with their kids today while downtown. Read the book I bought at Indigo. I have to lend it to Diggy.

Got tax preparing soft ware and will be working on that over the next couple of weeks. (This year I will get them done on time at least.)

Got missing kitty litter and brown sugar and some other groceries.

And all weekend I read two books, one manga, and too much fanfic. I watched too much YouTube but I found this Wayne and Schuster gem.

paper work, holiday, errands, fandom, birthday, family, june and tad, puppies, diggy, food, buddha monkey

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