Discounted student TTC pass comes with a catch

Mar 19, 2008 12:28

A controversial plan to offer a cheaper transit pass to students at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus will be voted on by the students Wednesday.

The TTC is offering what it calls a U-Pass at $60 per month to students at the campus, but there's a catch.

The deal stipulates all students must pay for the pass, whether they use it or not, as part of their annual fees.

"But Vikky Leung, a student at the Scarborough campus, said the forced purchase would be unfair for many who don't use the TTC to get to school: "Some people live in residence, people live across the street from school, people who drive, people who car pool, people who get a ride from their parents.""

You mean these people never go out anywhere other than school? When I lived in residence at Trent University I used my school bus pass to go shopping at the mall at the other side of town, to go to the movies, to go to my grandparents' house. I used it whenever I could because I did not have a car, carpool, or parents to drive me everywhere.

toronto, whiny students, cbc, u of t, transit

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