Mom's on a jet plane.

Sep 17, 2005 00:05

To China with a seniors tour group. She is looking forward to this because she rarely traveled of the continent. We've been to Victoria B.C. but we had family there.

The two previous times my mom tried to leave the continent lead to accidents in the family. We, meaning my mom and I, refer to it as the "English Trip Curse". She booked a trip to England when she was young and single but had to cancel when her mother broke her hip. The second time mom tried to go to Merry Old England for a theatre tour - she ended up the hospital after a car accident. It nearly killed her but she pulled through.

Intensive care unit in Montreal General. My mom's limbs look like wax candles from the fluids they pumped into them.I have never seen my mom this incapacitated.

Mom:"Do you think ... I'll be able to get of here ... in time for my trip?"
Pat: "You are going absolutely NO WHERE for a very LONG TIME."
Mom: "oh!" *in a disappointed tone*

And just to show what a sick sense of humour my brother has, he took her out for a 10th anniversary lunch the day for the accident. That's the Irish French-Canadian side coming out.

So anyways, I wished her a good trip and asked for a dragon motif scarf.

You guessed it, the words I fear the most out of my mother's mouth are: "I am going to England!". I can feel my bone crunching already.

curse, mom, travel

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