Player Information:
Name or Handle: Ruthi
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: pandabuckets @ AIM / ruthnor @ plurk
Any current characters here?: Sylar and Nathan Young
Character Information:
Character Name: Angel
Age: 273
Canon: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel the Series
Appearance: Tall, dark and broody. That about sums it up. But no really he stands at about 6'1", has dark, oh-so-carefully gelled hair, and a very unfortunate caveman brow. He's broad-shouldered and kind of stocky. There's a tattoo on his right shoulder blade of a gryphon holding an A. Angel wears black. Lots and lots of black. Usually including a black trenchcoat.
Angel is a taciturn, shadowy guy. He keeps to himself for the most part, spending hours upon hours brooding in his internal angst-filled world. That's just how he works. When the gypsies cursed him, they caused him to feel guilt for all the horrible things he'd done since becoming a vampire. Spoiler: there were more horrible things than there are people in China.
That's because he got re-souled after chomping into a gypsy girl. He was actually a pretty horrible person vampire before that happened. Like, legendarily bad. He and his vampire posse ripped bloody swaths across the countryside causing all sorts of mayhem. But those damn gypsies put an end to that. Because of his acute case of never-ending guilt, he's vowed to spend the rest of his days atoning for his action, whether it be by helping out Buffy and the her scoobies or helping the helpless in his detective agency in Los Angeles.
Because he's almost 300 years old, there are some traits that have carried over throughout the years, mostly notably his chivalry. It's adorable, okay. But for the most part, how old he is shows whenever he acts like … well, an old guy. He's out of touch with modern times. Cell phones are evil and crafted by wizards, and he has no idea what a "chatty room" is.
When he's not brooding until the cows come home, you can see that he's relatively thoughtful, and the owner of a dry, deadpan sense of humor. Sure, he often falls into the big dumb hero archetype, especially once he gets his own series, but he definitely knows what's up. Even with a soul, he can be dark, cruel, and ready to kick all kinds of ass. Especially when it comes to seeking justice. He has a tendency to view the world in terms of black and white.
Buffy Summers is a particular chink in his armor. She was what inspired him to stop lurking around in the sewers and start acting like a big damn hero. She was ~the love of his life~. He ended up leaving Sunnydale because he wanted what was best for her, even if it killed him (again) inside. When he's with her, it's like everything else goes away. If by "everything else," you mean common sense. Even though he gradually moves on, a part of his heart will always belong to Buffy. As melodramatic and unnecessary as that sounds.
This is his history. I'm taking him from the end of 2x10 of Angel the series, because that's when he goes crazy and starts to act like Frank Miller Batman. No seriously I kind of love watching him go darker after trying so hard to be better than that.
Special Abilities or Weapons: For the sake of plot, we'd prefer it if you found a way to adapt your characters' powers into the Star Wars universe. This includes abilities from other games. If you are unsure of how to translate your character's abilities, just list their canon ones and the mod team will help you! Weapons can simply be listed as they are in canon-verse. Please not that they will not be arriving with their weapons.
Sect: Aaaaaaa I'd really like for him to be a Jedi. *_* Although he'd probably defect to Sith at this canon point in his life which would be amazing to play out. As far as canon goes Buffy vampires don't have too many abilities outside of being harder better faster stronger etc. Which I figure translates well enough.
Job: He's a detective. He helps the motherfucking helpless.
First Person:
Hello? Hello? What is this? Did I walk into an alternate dimension? Because I did not sign up for this today. [Bro is annoyed. After a brief pause, he tries again.]
Cordy? Wes? Gunn? [Instead of sounding like he's asking for help from either of them, he sounds accusatory.] Come on. I don't have time for this. [Another pause.]
And I'd really like to have my clothes back.
Third Person:
Old log located here. The canon point is earlier than what I specified, but I can write up something else if necessary.
Anything Else: I'd like for him to live on an Ebon Hawk and peddle Hutt porn to innocent Twi'lek children. If that's cool. :) not really