info post | onepassingnight

Mar 01, 2011 09:43

Your name: Ruthi
Your journal: saria
Contact: pandabuckets @ aim, ruthnor @ plurk
Other characters played at Passing: sylar …….

Character name: Angel
Character fandom: BtVS/AtS
Version: V1
Canon point: The beginning of S2
Importing development from old game? no
here :(

Changes from canon, if AU: no


Angel is a taciturn, shadowy guy. He likes to sit alone at his desk and think deep thoughts. He's not shy or anything, he just doesn't feel like talking much. Or ever. And being so intense and full of brooding is really hard work. You know what else is hard work for Angel? Understanding people today. He's ancient and full of values that have fallen out of use, like chivalry. And what's up with technology, anyway? What the fuck is a chatty room?

He takes time out of his brooding to kick ass and take some names. He's intense, okay. And he has a dry, deadpan sense of humor. I don't know what that has to do with him being a badass but I didn't know where else to put it in the app.

When he's with Buffy, they create a nexus of retarded emotions that sucks in all the air and common sense surrounding them.

Before he was ~Angel~, he was Angelus. Angelus was a crazy sociopathic creep who liked eating babies and nuns and torturing people with his vampire posse. Then he killed a gypsy girl and the gypsies were like YOU HAVE A SOUL WHAT NOW and he cried delicate emo tears. Because he has a soul.

Having a soul is hard work. It made him a conscience and made him feel really guilty and he was like oh I guess I should atone for all the awful shit I did somehow. So he helped Buffy out with her vampire slaying shit and then he went to LA to do his own thing and found Angel Investigations. He helps the helpless. It's totally legit.

He's a vampire. They're like humans with demons inside them that drink blood and shit. It makes him really strong and … idk. Stuff.
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