Whimsical Teacup, Savannah Meet-up~

Feb 24, 2009 13:50

First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for not responding to comments left on my previous entries! ;_;  And for being so absent in general from LJ....more on that in my next entry....

For now, a few pictures from this Saturday's meet-up at The Whimsical Teacup :D  I'm glad I finally got to meet some of the Savannah BJD crowd.  My photos turned out pretty crappy though, what few I took.  I'm still struggling with finaggling the settings on my new camera to look good with indoor lighting and stuff  >_<   I had a great time though!

Peoples' reactions to the dolls were pretty entertaining....  a kid was having her birthday party there at the same time, so after we put the dolls out on the couch, all the little girls eventually gathered around in a cluster to stare.  Among the statements (spoken amongst themselves, never to us):  "Those dolls are creepy, even the really little ones!"  "They're scary"  "This one's a horse!!" (referring to Mr. Sard XD)

I don't know if anyone else noticed, but there was also a big group of middle aged women who positively openly GLARED at us and our dolls when we first set them out on the table o_O  I even made eye contact with them and smiled and they kept frowning directly at me....I'm not sure what the issue was.  If they thought we were freaks they might have considered the fact that one of the old women was wearing a big ole' pink feather boa and tiara....

Anyway, on with the show!

Mr. "Horse" = pure awesomeness!!!

Oh and Vinny finally got his blue Gumdrops eyes @_@  That I ordered in August!  I'll have to take better pics of them later...

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