These gorgeous flowers are growing all over town! It's so strange...January in Savannah, Spring has already come, and Winter never really even rolled in.
Anyway, I was totally enamored by these flowers the first time I saw them. And my upstairs neighbor is all flower-arrangement crazy and brings me new arrangements every week or so. He brought me these and two days later the bud opened up into a beautiful flower. I took these photos a few weeks ago though, now I have a boquet of daffodils sitting in the kitchen window!
Lichen likes to hang out in the window was the only cat-proof place in the apartment until my cat figured out how to get up there just this week *sigh*
Lichen also sort of has a new look going on....a veeeery different look o_O
Actually, this wig is so thick and heavy that he can't stand up with it on.
Tuvie: Mmm...I dunno if it's "you"
Lichen: But I feel so....luscious!!