Feb 14, 2017 00:01
This needs to be told here:
Years ago, the New Yorker magazine got hold of a story about a man who had embezzled ninety thousand dollars and run off to Philadelphia, where he blew it all on riotous living.
They sat on the story for three weeks trying to think up a comment on this that was funnier than real life.
I think they finally just printed the story with the comment about what their problem was.
I guess I heard that story thirty years ago.
I still can't come up with a comment about what they went through.
--Okay, with that out of the way, bear in mind that Philadelphia is Pennsylvania's largest city. That is, more Pennsylvanians choose to live there than anywhere else. The rest of the State must, therefore, be less desirable to live in.
Moving on.
The colony that became this State was established when the land was granted to William Penn by the current King of England in lieu of payment of sixteen thousand pounds that was owed Penn's father.
Pennsylvania exists because someone lost a bet.
insulting states,
national fellatio week,
matthew joseph harrington