Feb 09, 2017 00:01



Conceivably the dullest location in America. They have a State Rock.

This region was first established as an internment camp a separate refuge for Indians, who now make up about eleven percent of the population since the discovery of oil. These Indians were known as the Civilized Tribes, since they had adopted European virtues such as religious factionalism and slavery, which latter was not abolished in the region until 1866; Christianity remains rampant.

The people who followed were not an improvement; the Oklahoma City Reichstag Fire Federal Building Bombing in 1995 was claimed as evidence that somebody was worse than the President who authorized the Waco Massacre, and local people cooperated with this story.

It is known as the Sooner State, due to its white founders having arrived to steal land from Indians before Congress made it legal to do so.

In the 1930s, fifteen percent of the population moved from Oklahoma to California, an action which Will Rogers observed increased the average intelligence of both States. In both cases this is debatable, as many of the Okies were the same Socialist farmers who had created the Dust Bowl with incompetent farming practices.

They have a State Rock.

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