Well. When last you saw me I was tucked up in bed feeling like warmed-over ass. That has passed, of course, with the advent of days where the sun shines for more than a few hours at a time.
What's happened? For a start the stuff I wanted to write about seems to have been severely reduced thanks to LJ changing its posting format. What, no more rich text? I have to remember the HTML for LJ users? Eat me! All through this I invite you to imagine links and stuff.
A monstrous scenery mission has been embarked upon. Much club money was spent. Forests and hills and buildings and swamps are even now under construction. Raargh.
Warcraft continues in fits and start, as I struggle to get my warrior to 70 before the expansion. I've been levelling with my American friend, but just as I needed a break to do Real Life stuff, he wanted to pick up the pace. So that's a bit awkward, especially the way our timezones interact. I've found I get direct biochemical rewards as a warrior, in the same way as when I chainsaw a dude in half in Gears of War. Two swords, lots of big yellow and white numbers filling the screen, piles of dead mobs. Awesome in a way that spellcasting can never be.
It was good to see Naomi and Sam up from Wellington, along with Fraser who introduced us to a new and delicious way of cooking nachos. I got Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse from Sam, and read it with great glee.
I saw Wall-E the other day. It is a delight unparalleled in mortal experience. I've got some thoughts about why Pixar just makes better films than those monkeys over at Dreamworks, but I'm too impatient and too boozed to put those down just right now. Know only that you should drop what you are doing, if you have not already, and go see the film.
Letter from Nicki arrived today ^_^. We've been swapping them back and forth for the past while, which is slow but it's nice to revel in the archaism of the pen-and-paper style.
Party last Friday basically involved vast amounts of booze and me being a horrible human being, possibly to the detriment of my own mental health. It was fun at the time, but still...fuck.
I'm listening to a big pile of The Tea Party, who I haven't heard since bloody ages. All kinds of new albumy goodness!
I got a start on Series 4 of Doctor Who. Not liking it as much as the others, so far, but I've heard this series contains the best episode ever (written, unsurprisingly, by Stephen Moffat), so I shall persevere. Then I can get back to watching GitSAC, 2nd Gig. This has to be the only series that makes people sitting around and communicating telepathically really quite compelling.
So yeah, rah. I have not fallen off the planet, to the horror of boyfriends everywhere. You may find me buried deep in a mound of polystyrene, glue and green flock. Good luck.
I leave you with this ultimate picture of the American presidential candidates.