Don't tease us, Konomi!

Mar 22, 2009 22:11

This is kind of interesting -- the same Chinese scanlation group that did my copy of the new chapter also added a two page blurb of a few major characters (Tezuka, Yukimura, Sanada, Atobe, Echizen for a bit) being interviewed by that reporter from the original series -- Inoue, I think his name was?

I don't think I'd be able to translate it very accurately without finding a Japanese copy to use as reference. In any case, all they do is talk about the implications of being chosen for the camp, the schools that will be there, etc. Echizen calls in at one point from the States (XD), and Sanada and Atobe fight for Tezuka's attention throw a couple of jabs at each other. Then there were a couple of lines near the end that caught my attention; the rough gist of them goes:

Inoue: ...then I'll ask those of you who are left: if there are to be matches during the camp, is there anyone in particular that you'd like to play?
Yukimura: I'd like to play Tezuka again.
Tezuka: I haven't played Yukimura since when we were in sixth grade.
Inoue: Is that so? Then Tezuka-kun, Yukimura-kun, and Sanada-kun -- you've known each other since you were younger.
Yukimura: We played each other once, the one year when I won the Junior Championships.
Tezuka: Back then, your strength was already exceptional.
Yukimura: Heh heh, you too. That high a level shouldn't have been possible for an elementary school student.
Atobe: Oi, enough of this. I'm leaving! (<----- XDDDD)

So, er, setting aside poor Atobe for the moment (he wanted to play Tezuka, too, didn't he? ^_^), Konomi had better be foreshadowing something with this. He's obviously aware of the possibility of Yukimura vs. Tezuka, and it'd be a bit of a letdown if he didn't do it. <3
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