Jul 09, 2009 09:53
I put this post up not to justify my decisions in life or to retaliate in anyway, thats just not my style. It is also not being done maliciously either. I put it up because i feel that things are being said about a recentish event with only one point of view attatched to it. I feel every story has two sides to it and that people should know both of those before making judgement.
I ended the relationship i had with Steve because i felt it had run its course. We had been together for 4 years and it felt like it was going nowhere. It was never my intention to hurt him and still isn't , but i felt that if we continued to stay together that it would of done more harm then good to both of us.I felt that i needed to end it when i did whilst there was no house, divorce or family involved to make things more complicated for both of us or any children involved. I wanted to be as adult as possible about it and it i had to do alot of hard thinking and soul serching to make the choice i did. I wasn't happy and was begining to feel withdrawn and isolated. There are also alot of otherthings that went on in the relationship that is between myself and steve and i feel i don't need to mention.
I understand completely how he must of felt as i have been through more break ups than i care to remember and usually i was the one who got broken up with rather than doing the actual breaking up. I made sure i kept his feelings into consideration at all times after we did break up and tried not to drag my personal feelings into anything we were involved with. If they did it wasn't my intention.
As for getting together with Alex so soon after we spit up....that was never planned. I was planning on staying single for a while and seeing what life threw at me. It seems we just ended up clicking.