going to Saudi Arabia tomorrow

Jun 05, 2011 23:53

 Hell yeah.

After 19 years I realized how shitty I am at smiling at the camera. lol.

IT'S ARASHI :D dying for the Dome DVD, love まだ見ぬ世界へ and I've been reduced to lurking around fandom like a creep. 
Just listened to Baystorm. Neen said:
"It's been 1...2 years? Since Arashi was formed. And 15 years since I became a junior. A first time thing happened. In a week, I ate dinner with Ohno-san twice, isn't that amazing? With another person. The first time, Leader and J were eating together, and J called me asking what was I doing. So I answered, 'I'm at home'. Then he asked, 'I'm eating with Leader right now, wanna come?'. I told him okay and went for dinner. The three of us ate, drank and J got drunk, and came to my house(? it was either his or Jun's house, he was being vague). I often drink with J, but Ohno-san joining us is really rare.

And then, yesterday. I ate dinner with him yesterday. There's a mutual friend of ours, and that friend asked me 'I heard you ate here and here recently, if you're free wanna go?'. That day I finished early so i asked him 'wanna go today?'. He said 'Today I'm eating with Satoshi'. It seemed that he finished work early too so when I came the 3 of us had a meal together.

And he told the story of how Kame asked Ohno to draw him a picture. Ohno did and wanted to give it to him immediately. So Ohno called him up but Kame didn't answer. Nino described it as 'he made a fuss as if he was trying to contact his crush or something'. Lolol. Thus Neen kindly told Kame if he was listening, he should call back the unknown number in his call history because that's probably Ohno.

Amusing because he's complained and whined about the whole "Ohno won't go on a date eat dinner with me alone" the whole 2010" and when Ohno does there's still a third person. XD

Also Moriah, have a happee wedding <3 I love being your internet friend, you and your comm.  


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