(no subject)

Apr 17, 2011 00:27



This is so darn cute xD 30 yo my ass. Lolol.

Here's my pointless list:
- Watched Ohoku and absolutely loved it to bits and pieces
- Ohno's hairstyle is absolutely fantastic
- So Arashi shows have been reduced to 1 or 2 per week but I'm just grateful ;__;
- Sad-ed because there's less group mag shoots
- and I looked forward to those every month
- Sho's Kami-sama no Karute hairstyle makes me lol (like srsly) but looking forward to it
- Hoping the latest HnA format doesn't continue for long
- And I find that Ara-theater segment dumb... >.> (Not a fan of Marionette Arashi too, sorry if you disagree)

- Graduating on the 26th \o/ 
- Getting meningitis shot tomorrow and I absolutely hate needles
- Frequent headaches because of poor blood circulation -.-
- Tried digital colouring again but 1 hour into it and my eyes hurt like shit

/poor update attempt \:D/ + LJ blocked my IP add for 2 days and annoyed me not counting the times it wouldn't load due to lack of servers. And twitter is kinda fun like tumblr.  

oh-chan, flail, anshi

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