Oh-chan's birthday.

Nov 25, 2009 22:45

My own birthday is gonna end in like, 1 hour and 20 mins time, and all I can think about is Ohno's birthday. XD

1. all4cyanide was so damn awesome she presented me with a paid LJ account. My adrenaline rush from excitement almost killed me when I read the email. XDDD

2. shadow_kick wrote me awesome ficlets which made me grin so damn hard while reading. HERE.

3. Instead of studying I spent lots of time drawing Ohno..

Starting with the ruined one:

Lol I am not posting the original drawing cos I erased the paper too hard, left marks and scratches on it so I had no choice but to photoshop it.... Lol and turned it like that. OTL (Sorry Oh-chan)

The super troublesome one:

Hand, angle, head, hand, hair, eyes, and did I mention hand? LOL Everything about it killed me. =__=| I needed a few attempts just to get that and its still like that. OTL Personally I liked how it turned out though. :) (Cause it looks much better in RL..)

The last one:

Lol I freaking love cross-hatching.
With that said, even though I got headaches drawing those, I spent so much happy time scrutinizing his face. Learning the angles of his unique nose, his small lips, the eyes. :) My drawings can't be perfect or look exactly like him, but I hope those who see it can enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the drawing process.

Happy Birthday Ohno, I'll love you even though you're 50. As long as you continue to be yourself, a dork, and Arashi's riida, an awesome artist and a tanned fisherman idol. x3


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