Just some sketches, or drawings.

Nov 18, 2009 22:18

Fandom and flist have been uber awesome. Especially lately. *Cries* Thank you guys. Lol. (I know I'm random. I just need to say it aloud, here. )

(Oops his nose looks weird, accidentally. XD)

I love Jun's eyes.

Whee~ I was trying light shading. Since I was getting sick of shading so dark. Plus it looks cleaner and neater. Lol. AKLDHKLFJHDJKLFD I wanted to draw something for Ohno's bday on the Ohno_daily comm... but I have no idea if I can even make it. :\ Lol since these were drawn after school late into the night, and weeks ago too.

....... enjoy? lol.


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