
May 13, 2009 23:19

I was bored. And I'm still bored. So I re-watched the older MMA episodes. And realised that Nino's guitar-singing, even though imperfect, always managed to make me feel touched. Arashi's tenth year. :) I'll never forget the deep deep impression they left on me. And why I fell in love with them so much.

I'm so freaking sick of school work. -.- And I ( Read more... )

rants, otp, flail, personal

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Comments 9

cutetakato May 13 2009, 20:28:35 UTC
ohno's hands are lovely i agree his fingers are long and slender~~sho looks like a badass XD love it XD at nino's shortness!

the 2nd cat is SO CUTE!!! i want it! its eyes are big!~nude sumo cartoon on the tissue packet XD random much? your lecturer has a teddy that is hilarious yet disturbing~i'm going to sit and try and guess where you are *stares* lol


haruchaan May 14 2009, 00:15:26 UTC
RIIIGHT~? Don't worry. My future picspam I've been planning will have all my favourite images of Ohno's hands. XDD He's mister Artistic. I love it <33

LOL YEAH! Ohmiya same height! Sho's muscles are appearing to be useless there (when he's trying to look badass) XDD

heheh. That kitty doesn't respond to me also. XDD I seem to shower them with lots of one-sided love. LMAO. LOL That tissue packet is SO so wrong.. 8D my lecturer is trying to be funny. LOLS.

Go ahead~ 3 tries *_* XD JK


cutetakato May 14 2009, 08:35:24 UTC
XD i remember the subber of 24hr tv talking about ohno's hands a lot since he was doing clay figures XD i noticed since then :P

it just looks so funny with nino in the middle~~he looks like he's trapped between two giants XD the tallest guys from arashi~~

cats are annoying like that! you need to come to see my cat gizmo he is ALWAYS looking for attention im usually swearing at him or trying to kick him~~*evil laugh*

give me a hinto...do you wear glasses? it's like the boardgame guess who? XD


haruchaan May 14 2009, 12:34:12 UTC
HAHAH I love moments of ogling his beautiful hands. <33 I'm completely sucked into the world of Oh-chan. XDD

LOL YEAH. Nino is just the same height as Ohno.. His bodyguards ah bodyguards XDD

GRRRR THOSE CATS NEVER RESPOND TO ME ANYMORE I need a cat which will shower me with lots of love when i call it. XDD KIIICCKK?!?! OHMYGOD LOL. You're evil! XD

Lols yeah... during lab I have to wear specs or it'll be the ugly huge lab specs. no way i'm gonna wear that.


javvie May 14 2009, 05:05:28 UTC
Haha those badges reminds me of frolick ones. Aww one of the reasons why nino is ♥. The cats are so cute, and yeah the gradient is pretty cool. <3 Ohmiya picture. Ooh. I love watching Ohno playing cliff climb. :D


haruchaan May 14 2009, 12:30:32 UTC
Lol yeah those are from frolick XD

Hahah. Nino is around the same height as Ohno but he always seems to get away looking taller. XD Brat. Adorkable brat. XD

:3 I love Ohno in cliff climb cos I'll get to ogle his hands more XDD


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haruchaan May 14 2009, 12:38:08 UTC
>D I ogle his hands everytime I get the chance to. They should do a short documentary on how his hands are too amazing. XDDD I'm completely obsessed I know XD Hamburger hands *_*. Those 2 are a match made in heaven. LOLS.

8D you can guess. I'm wearing specs and I'm a girl XDDD you have all the tries you want~ Lols i'm being troublesome aren't i XD


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haruchaan May 16 2009, 12:18:38 UTC
LOLS. Urgh, what's with my lack of response nowadays. *Kicks school*

8D I'm wearing red specs at the left side with erm, short-shoulder length hair? XD If you see some idiot-looking person its probably me. LOLL XDDD


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