(no subject)

May 13, 2009 23:19

I was bored. And I'm still bored. So I re-watched the older MMA episodes. And realised that Nino's guitar-singing, even though imperfect, always managed to make me feel touched. Arashi's tenth year. :) I'll never forget the deep deep impression they left on me. And why I fell in love with them so much.

I'm so freaking sick of school work. -.- And I've realized that I rarely ever write about my real life. I'll clear my phone pics and post them here. So yeah. Its the pictures of the things I see in my daily life. (You decided to read this whole thing so don't brick me when you get bored halfway) XDD
So I'll start with this one:

Sorry for the unclear picture. But isn't that like the BEST badge ever? XDD "WE STAY HARD LONGER THAN ICE-CREAM"  XDD And oh that's my hand. Lols. I didn't pin it anywhere though.

Sure does doesn't it? 8DD

Blur again. *Gets shot* But why would any company want to print a picture of a cartoon sumo wrestler with XXX hanging down there on a TISSUE packet?

Dora the explorer~ XDD I DID say this section was gonna be lame. Lols.

Don't these cats look beautiful? First is my cousin's, second is my friend's, and third is my neighbour's cat. Which goes into our house and makes my mum scream cause she's terrified of them. -.-. (Yeah that's my doorstep) 8DD

Beautiful to look and annoy like I always do till they got sick and tired of me and looked like this:

Lol he's so grumpy looking XDD

She got sick of me and didn't even open her eyes to bother looking. XD And never responds to my calls and sometimes I make kissing soudns at her XDD and darn. She ignores me. Except in the morning when I'm late and she'll be there to make me later.

Hoho. My lecturer who's constantly comparing himself to a large fatty acid molecule. XD I'm from science so you can hit me if I get lamer and lamer using science terms. Lols. That is his teddy he calls Freddy. So he's lame too.. (And I only took this pic cos I wanted the teddy) XDD This lecturer is pretty much monotone although he's funny sometimes.

Stuff we did in lab today. 8D The gradient is pretty nice don't you think? Something about an enzyme related test.. But the lecturer has a high energy level when talking (like when I'm fangirling tension XD). Er well, I don't really know what I'm doing for every practical you see. I just do what's written on the manual. 8DD

Well since I already took it why not post it right? -.-

NOT my work. My friend's scribbles and drawing. XD She'll kill me if she knows I posted this. LOL. And nobody's probably interested in my science crap. XDD

Yeah....My classmate's hair is....er..weird. LOLS. Thank god this is LJ and these pictures can be locked.. XD

:D I won't say which one is me but you can guess if you want. 8D I'm not that fond taking my own pics. XDD Plus this was taken last year and my hair is diffferent too. ^^

ARASHI'S REVIVAL ON HNA~ XDD (My real life revolves around Arashi so this is just right.) 8DD Look at Nino. Short as Ohno and looks so freaking cute.

Teh famous recent Ohmiya moment.

Ohmiya is like my top OTP. Yeah. But I still love the other pairings. Nino's naughty smirk. XDDD And Ohno just HAVE to look blur.
I'm still saving up pics for my future AnS and VSA picspam. So I'll just leave you with this.

I'M IN LOVE WITH HIS HANDS. I dunno why.. they're just lovely to look at. *drools* XDD

I'll save the best pics for a proper picspam yeah. It includes Nino being cute, Aiba being a dork, Sho fail, and DoS Jun. (8D not anytime soon though) Lols.


rants, otp, flail, personal

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