
May 04, 2009 20:40

MEME from javvie

1. The person that tagged you is:

2. Your relationship with her is:
Online LJ friend... Who's into Arashi like me? 8D And lives in SG too. Lols.

3. Your first impression of her is:
Really easy to talk to. Sweet too ♥

4. The most memorable moments with her:
Having our little discussion about how depressing school can be.. XD

5. The most memorable thing she has said to you is:
Lets do the YATTA pose and Arashi dance :D (You did say that right?? LOLS)

6. If she becomes your lover, you will:
She's lovable online but I don't think she'll ever become my lover so I will do nothing. Yah.

7. If she became your lover, what should she improve at:
She's better off not being my lover XD. She might suffer from my crap. LOLS.

8. If she becomes your enemy, what would you do:
HAHAHA ENEMY? Am I seeing right? Enemy? Totally NOT happening. No hope. Nada. No plans on making her my enemy...yet. XD

9. If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
When I force her to be my lover, which is 99.9% likely not to happen. xDD

10. The most desired thing you want to do for her now is:
I might as well do it now. *Virtual hugs* She can have my Ohno cookies too. lol.

11. Your overall impression on her:
Fun. So sooo easy to talk to.

12. The characteristic you love most about yourself:
. . . er. . . I dunno? lols. I sound like I'm severely lacking something in life XDD

13. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:

14. The most ideal person you want to be is:
1st: Mum. She's amazing enough to have been able to tolerate my crap ever since I was 0 years old. I was a pretty terrible kid, troublesome and don't listen properly. She's kind. Definitely too kind.
2nd: Ohno. I fangirl him and admire him for plenty of reasons.. (LOL so okay I don't want to be him I just wanted to include him somewhere in this thing... XDDD I just like and respect him for many many reasons... )

15. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
I'm happy that are people who care for me. They make me feel loved just as how I love them back. ^^

*Edit* And I was supposed to tag 10 people but I completely forgot. 8D
So er, anyone from my whole flist who is KIND enough to want to write this meme out go ahead. XD No I'm not sarcastic really. XD That was on purpose. LOLS. I'll be sure to spam you with lots of love if you do it... *Senses people running away*

I'm definitely severely lacking in sleep cause I'm getting angry and annoyed for the tiniest reasons. -.- I keep cursing people behind their back. And what's worse I haven't been catching up on Arashi stuff as much as I used to. It feels lacking. Arashi is my addiction. And I haven't had my proper dose lately. All I've been doing is check on updates and stuff without having enough time to download them. -.- And I keep falling asleep whenever I'm not crapping. Urgh. *explodes*

None of my posts would ever be complete without ARASHI <3. (I had actually planned to take tons of screencaps and make a picspam but I'm failing awesomely. )

I'M OHNO BIAS BUT WHO CARES RIGHT? :D No. I mean he sort of looks charming with that blank look on his face while doing nothing. Yah.

Look at Nino's face and Jun's face. I must have had that Nino expression during lectures and it turned to Jun's expression. Lols. And I'm like...no comments for the guy in the middle. LOLS.

Eh. I love Matsuba too you know. Just not as much as Ohmiya. Keke.
Er. I still haven't given up on my plans to do some picspam on AnS so I shall save the better ones. : D

Oh oh and before I forget. I ship JunxGakki. FTW. More than MaoxJun. Sorry Mao. But I just turned into Gakki's fangirl. LOLS

meme, rants, fanart, arashi

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