well, it's his birthday here in the USA at least.
It was yesterday,and I'm sad I didn't celebrate in japan time |:
But I decided to greet him here on Lj.
I remember how I really heard of keito. It's pretty interesting actually. I was just introduced to Hey! Say! JUMP and then i started to memorize most of their names. Then I saw that there was someone named 'keito' and that was the same name as my friend Kate's japanese name(llololol.)
So i thought that was pretty funny. Then because of his name, i kept searching and reading about him a lot
and found out so much about him that I became interested.
So he was the first ever johnny I ever fell into so much love with.
Have a good 17 Keito (:
In other News.
Jin Akanishi is having a solo tour called "You and Jin" and is expanding to the U.S.
that means.
Jin is abandoning kat-tun on their Kimi Ga sdasjodasjfoasf-insert long name here- just to go HERE?!
hah you've got to be kidding me.
But i'm pretty happy that a Johnny is actually coming here to the mainland.(not hawaii, T_T)
Sooo, I might be flying there over to L.A With my friend Miyako to see his concert. I think It'll be pretty cool to say that Jin is the first Johnny i've ever seen live XD
if you're interested, go heree: