Feingold: "clearly one of the greatest mistakes in the history of the nation's foreign policy"

Jan 26, 2007 11:34

Finally, a Senator with cajones (Wisconsin's Russ Feingold) is going to introduce legislation to use the "power of the purse" to end funding for the war in Iraq.

The purely symbolic resolutions passed earlier in the week are meaningless.

Congress acted to end funding for the Vietnam War. They have power to do so with this war, though there may be a Constitutional battle.

The rest of the pussified Dems fear a backlash. But Feingold, who has decided not to run for prez, has always been against the war (he was the only Senator who voted not to fund the war in the first place), and he is the clearest and loudest voice amongst those who want to bring this fiasco to an end.

With the anti-war drumbeat growing louder every day, the time is clearly right for Feingold to act. Like the resolutions, though, it's likely to have no effect on W's march forward. It's possible the Supreme Court may need to rule on the Constitutional issues very soon, which would likely rule against W's power grab.

We live in interesting times, indeed...
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