Jun 17, 2013 18:45
So, lately in ceramics, Will has been working with me about understanding consistency and form. These are two concepts that usually take a long time to understand, and even longer to be able to accomplish, let alone master.
What does this mean? Well, for one thing, it means I don't have much to show for all the work I've been doing lately. =) But other than that.... Well, it gets complicated.
1) In the bigger scheme of things, it's about have more professional looking pieces. This is something that CAN happen on accident, but it is when it happens intentionally and artfully... that a piece really comes alive. This is the difference between my work and that of an actual potter. This is the concept that I have been frustrated with, whether I knew it or not.
2) It's about wall consistency. This is something that you have to focus on the entire process- from throwing the initial form all the way through the end of trimming. And then, even when you glaze, it's supposed to match the form. Really, you want to start at the very beginning knowing what you want it to look like when it's finished. This is not easy to do. At all.
Now, what I have been learning is that this is more complicated then just how I throw. In fact, in some ways I've been throwing incorrectly. I've been throwing so that I see the form that I want before I trim anything off! This isn't necessarily WRONG, especially depending on the shape you are going for. However, I have been trying to learn about shapes that are trimmed into interesting shapes. I can't do that if I've already thrown it into the shape already. Plus, it's hard to get a cool foot on it if it's not thrown a certain way.
So, Will has been teaching me about finding the way that it's supposed to feel when you are throwing such a piece. He went so far as to "Ghost it up" (as I like to call it) so that I could feel exactly what it feels like when he throws a consistent piece. It was VERY different than mine. So, now I just have to work to re-create that process. I have to re-train my muscles to work in a new way.
3) The other piece of this is that trimming is similar but... different as well. It's not just about putting on a foot. It's about finishing the piece in a way that enhances it.
All this is to say... I'm working hard at getting more professional. I did end up keeping a few bowls just because a few of us are going to hopefully be doing some arts shows together at the end of the summer but... I haven't kept much!
I will most pictures next time. I'm sure this was long-winded AND boring, but... Hey man! This is MY journal! =) And, it helps me to write things out.
PS Will suggested starting to think about using porcelain instead of regular clay, because it's not as hard and would be better for my arthritic hands... Dale continues to tell me I have chosen the wrong medium. =) But, maybe it will help me build MORE muscles and HELP! Eh? Eh?