Apr 09, 2003 17:00
Why am I always the most tired on the days when I have the most stuff that I need to get done? It's not fair *cries*. I have 3 statistics assignments and 8 chemistry assignments to do, plus study for a chem test, all before Friday. I didn't get hardly any sleep last night, my muscles all ached too much to relax because I sat in one place for over 9 hours yesterday at work. I can't complain though, I'm making pretty damn good money and the job isn't really that difficult once I got used to it.
Gah, I just need a nap! Then maybe I can be a little more productive. I did get a little bit of stuff done today though. Well actually last night, I read way ahead for my LIB class, so I don't have to do any more reading for that class. Then today, Erin and I signed the lease on our apartment and paid the security deposit, so now we know we have a place to live this summer. I got my Jeep back Monday night, so that's been nice to have that back.
Last night when I got out of work, I went to Meijer to pick up the reprints of the pictures from Mike's birthday cuz he wanted copies. Then when I got back here, me and my roomies watched American Idol, and then we went to Taco Bell for a late dinner. So when we got back, I called Mike just cuz I had had a long day and just felt like chatting with him for awhile to relax. Well he didn't answer his phone, so I left him a voicemail just telling him to give me a call back whenever. This was at like 10:30 so I figured I probably wouldn't hear back from him until today or something, so I went to bed. Well at like 11:15 or something, he called me back, so we talked for probably 20 minutes or so, and then both decided we were tired and wanted to go to bed. So that made me happy that he called me back.
Anyway, don't have much of anything else to talk about right at the moment, maybe I'll think up something else later. I really should take advantage of the 3 posts us non-paying losers are allowed to use, lol.