Crystal's been emailing me too many surveys this week, so rather than email them back, I will just catch up all at once on here :-P
1. movie....horror, drama, comedy, etc.? drama, but like them all.
2. Favorite movie? don't have one. Maybe "O" (as in the letter, not a zero, haha)
3. Brownies, cookies, or cake? brownies
4. Favorite perfume? Victoria's Secret "Love Spell"...which I have to buy more of soon because I have used almost the whole bottle :(
5. Favorite cologne? I don't really know them by name...
6. What do you think people notice first about you? my height, or lack thereof
7. What would you want them to notice? I dunno, hopefully something positive.
8. The 3 most important things in a relationship (in
order)? loyalty, communication, and that certain connection that can't really be put into words.
9. Fold or crinkle (tp)? lol, crinkle
10. Best gift ever given to you? The songs Nicholas wrote for me
11. Best gift ever that you have given? umm...maybe the Allen Iverson calendar that I personally made for Mitch a couple years ago? I thought it was a really cool gesture, hopefully it meant as much to him as I wanted it to. Aside from that, the memory book thing that I made for him before I left for college. Or the list of things I wrote for Nicholas about why I loved him. What can I say, I'm just a giver, hahah.
12. If you could change one thing about you what
would it be? I'd magically possess the skill to play guitar.
13. Your 2 biggest pet peeves? saying you have to tell me something and then changing your mind and deciding not to tell me, and not keeping your word when you say you're going to do something.
14. Drugs? what and how long ago? none and never
15. Favorite family member? I dunno...they're all okay I suppose
16. Ever have a psychic moment? no
17. Ever had a paranormal experience? no
18. If you could be anything/anyone (fictional or
nonfictional) what would it be? Mischa Barton so I could make out with Ben Mackenzie, hahahah.
19. Longest relationship and the shortest? oh man, depends on a lot of things. Longest would technically be Eric for 8 months, but I was with Mitchell off and on for about 2 years, and the whole "situation" with Nicholas was about 2 years as well. Shortest also depends on definition of "relationship." There's been a few that have only lasted a month or so.
20. Sex or foreplay? haha...well according to my experiences so far, I could take or leave the sex part :-P No offense to anyone involved in that statement, but I haven't really had any great experiences in that department yet, lol.
21. Favorite soup? umm...can't remember what brand it is but it's like creamy potato with cheese and broccoli or something.
22. Favorite Disney/toon movie? Lilo and Stitch or American Tales
23. Favorite girl