Where's My Eye Candys?

Dec 07, 2009 23:20

I need you/them!

Failing that I guess I'll have to find an edible shirt somewhere...The Christmas Tree in the Nexus told me too.

And that sounds rather insane, doesn't it?

Anyway, point is...it found the tree and it had cards all over it.

And it told me to:

On the fifth day of Christmas, the Nexus brought to me ...
A man with shirt buttons made from candy.

I figured I'd bring him Eye Candy in the edible shirt, but none of them are forthcoming, which is completely ridiculous when you consider how many of them there are! Hmpf!

Anywho! I've just been talking to Schu! Been ages since I've seen the fellow, he's looking goood. Maybe I can put him in the edible shirt? Or Hell even myself.

Anyone else care to volunteer? Jack?

And in closing this quiz:

You Are Mozzarella

You are mild mannered and pleasant. You are extremely easy going.

You are also quite lovable and tender. You wear your heart on your sleeve.

You never try to complicate matters or bring drama. You just go with the flow.

You are very delicate and sensitive. It's easy for you to be overpowered by stronger forces.

What Kind of Cheese Are You?

Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds

And it's WILDLY inaccurate, although it does mention my username, but I was been ironic with that!

But hmm, cheese, I want some...let's see what the Nexus can bring me.

quizzes and crap, eye candy, fun in the nexus, hey! help!

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