Hey Piter!

Jul 27, 2009 23:13

That's St Petersburg to you non-Russian travelling types!

Interesting place! I visted this, which is for you Emmy! :OD That's the right guy, right? Peter the Great, looks pretty good on a horse...although...he appears to be missing those...stirrup thingies. Big oversight that.

Your Androgynous Name Is: Dante Royce

Guy or girl? Who knows? Who cares?

What's Your Androgynous Name?

Dante? What? Does kinda fit what with the guy having written that book? play? (history, bah) on Hell. Hellish that's me!

Your Outfit Says You're Chic

Your style is very sophisticated and elegant.

Even if you're wearing jeans, you still know how to look classy.

You are enchanting and mysterious. You take your image seriously.

You are glamourous in a delightfully old-fashioned way.

Your high end fashion designer match: Nanette Lepore

Your must have accessory: Long gloves

The Outfit Test

And hey we all knew that didn't we? ;O)

But onto more serious matters...I've been kinda distracted by the disappearance of J and Vic, I went into the Nexus to ask after 'em,, nobody's seen them! There's all sorts of...weird rumours flying around about kidnappings and weird hive-mind aliens and what not. Anybody want to start a rescue mission? I'm looking at you, Jack and your pretty team! Aliens! So you gotta do something, right, it's in the job description!

Don't leave me hanging.

fun in the nexus (or not), quizzes and crap, hey! help!, victor (the arty one), j

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