On the Trail Again...

Jul 26, 2009 23:25

So here I am in St Petersburg! Where it looks like it'll rain, hmpf, hate rain.

In the good news, Amaya is feeling much better :O) seems these colds are pretty harmless, the internet has not lied to me (I understand it usually lies to people or shows them porn...I was king of looking forward to the porn).

I visited the Nexus today, not much action, found Eye Candy the Second, he does not think he's dead (or is in fact dead, never quite figured it out...), but he somehow managed to lose the Torchwood SUV. Fuck, how do you manage that, he says it's triple locked, frankly I think he just left the keys in there and doesn't want to say so. He's such a rude little bastard.

And WHERE are J and Victor?! I'm getting worried! I haven't heard so much as a peep! :O( I hope they haven't been swallowed up or sealed out or something...apparently something like that happened to Kage. So yeah, asked the Nexus about it, didn't get shit. Hmpf!

I found this amusing thing on Eye Candy the First's (te_gwas) LJ:

Hee! Some of this match nicely! Like Raven and Irene as the cordon bleu chefs, mmmm yummy!

And ha! Eye Candy II is there, moral qualms indeed, that's just an excuse to mope about and bitch, spare me.

Anywaaay, let's take a look into the mind of me with justprompts!

9th April to 23rd April

Ten Things:

Ten people who have helped to make you the person you are today.

In chronological order.

1. Mum!

2. Dad (I have put Mum first because I was more like her, so she had more of an influence, Dad was more level headed - which wouldn't be that hard, I know, shut up)

3. That kid, whose name I've sadly forgot, who taught me how to pick locks - an old school talent, but super helpful!

4. Maddy! (He was one of the Time Agents who picked me up, very boring fellow, but he did me a great favour! Well him and Harvey, but Harvey did a runner so, he's not on the list)

5. My first 'partner' at the Time Agency (She wasn't precisely a 'partner' like Jack was. She was a fully-fledged Time Agent and I was a cadet on my first mission. Almost got myself killed on that one! But she showed up in the nick of time, taught me a good lesson on always having your gun on hand AND loaded.)

6. Jack (Obviously, taught me quite a few things, though I'm sure he doesn't want me spreading that around...ruin his cred)

7. Clo (Very sweet girl! Should never have been in the Agency, very good at her job though. Also, she reminded me not everyone deserves to get killed).

8. The Chick Who Said She Had the Arcadia Diamond but Didn't (OK, she may not have 'helped' in the nice sense of the term - Really brought all the nasty stuff out of the bag while I was partnered up with her so to speak)

9. Jack's pyscho brother (and OK, he wasn't helping, but I'll mention him anyway, because holy shit, he certainly made me rethink my philosophy of 'revenge is everything', crazy arse).

10. Amaya :O) (No description required!)

Ten nightmares you've had.

Yeah...skip this one...

Ten times you've been the most happy.

1. My 10th birthday party (ooo co-incidental! I'd describe it, but it'd take hours!

2. Getting into the Time Academy, they said I couldn't do it, but ha! I did!

3. The first time I met Jack, even if he did punch me in the face.

4. Getting to be Jack's partner! Don't think he was too happy...

5. When Jack brought me that apron in the Time Loop, hence the love of aprons, plus I look sexy as anything in it.

6. The Bar Reunion reunion! Well at least until Jack got all preachy at me and shit...that was a tease after the snog and all.

7. First date with Amaya! :OD

8. Meeting Joan - because there's nothing quite as much fun as meeting your sexy female alternate.

9. When after all hope was lost Amaya decided I was too damn sexy to give up :OP

10. Baby news! OK, I was more stunned by that, but now I'm most excited indeed! Gene proprogation, yays!

Ten places you'd like to visit.

1. The Edge of the Universe (Old hat, but I haven't been! Didn't get many holidays at the Agency)

2. The Lotus Nebula with Amaya and Jack, because that, my friends, would be hot.

3. New Orleans, 'cause Joan recommended it.

4. Arista (gives puppy dog eyes - doubt it'll work, they know my craziness)

5. Antartica, sounds very interesting indeed

6. Gallifrey where the Time Lords come from because everyone wants to know what that looks like.

7. Arcadia, maybe get myself a diamond...

8. Germany during Oktoberfest - because alcohol fun!

9. Las Vegas, sounds niiiice

10. Bermuda Triangle, I hear it's notorious hard to pinpoint though.

Now, I'm sure you enjoyed that, I know I did! :O)

Ta ta!

missing in action, justprompts, fun in the nexus, hey! help!, all about me!

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