Nov 15, 2006 20:35
it has been officially forever since i last updated. i think i got stupider, so here's my life in snippets.
-I've been stressed out about life after college. For a long time, I didn't know what I wanted to do. Now I think I know, or at least have an idea of something I could do for a few years, but I have no definite plans yet. The uncertainty is the worst part. At least if I knew I was going to get a shitty job that I hate, then I could deal with it. I've decided not to go into Neuroscience. Academia still may be a possible long-term career, but not in science. I just have no interest in it anymore. Instead, I'm trying to get a job in finance. I would really like to do investment management. It sounds interesting, the hours are decent, and the pay is good. I've had a number of interviews, which are getting old fast, but no offers yet. Hopefully, I'll have it tied up by the end of the semester.
-I went to D.C. for an interview on Thursday and Friday. After the interview on Friday, I met up with my sister Senait. We had Ethiopian food and then chilled and watched Click (not so good). On Saturday, we had Red Lobster for lunch. I didn't like that place before but now they're on my shit list because they gave me food poisoning. I didn't leave my bed at all on Sunday or Monday and only ate a total for five saltines during that time.
-I'm going home for Thanksgiving, which I'm very excited about. This will be first time I've been in Iowa since May.
-Classes are going well. I have: Econometrics (boring, but easy), Corporate Finance (interesting AND easy), Synaptic Plasticity (getting on my nerves), Chinese (tons of work), Neuroscience Independent Study (I don't work as much as I should). Next semester (the last one, holy shit!) I have Macroeconomics, Fixed Income Securities, Experimental Neurobiology, Physics, and Chinese.
-I'm currently living off-campus in a house with one friend. It is working out very well. The house is nice. We have a ping pong table and a pool table.
-I was in good shape at the end of the summer. A busy schedule meant that I didn't exercise all semester. I'm trying to get back into shape now.
-I forgot to vote. Oops! I'm finding that I care less and less about politics (I still care about making the world a better place and all that jazz, but politics is just stupid) and more and more about money as I get older. I guess the transition really does happen.
That's it. I'll update again in another six to nine months.