The Exception

Apr 16, 2005 22:26

My horoscope for today is:

This is definitely a time of preparation in your life. You're heading into a five-year window that is the culmination of your current efforts (and the energy you put out in the last few years). Fix your eye on a goal and go for it. You'll be surprised at how rapid the advance is. Later this year, Jupiter enters your sign. Ooohaw!

Normally, horoscopes merely amuse me, but this one seemed to stike a chord. I'm definitely at a possible turning point after going back to school for two years, and I'm trying to look at goals on a number of levels: relationship, career, family, etc.

School is essentially over now. I could do more work, but it would be for professorial goodwill, not marks. At the moment, I feel wiped out, and I just want to let things settle for a few days, then leap into planning and job hunting. I have to fight the tendency to over analyze. I still don't know where I'm going to end up in June, though it is unlikely I will remain on the east coast.

Also, today I found out that one of my cousins is running a marathon in August. I'll have to get back into a serious running routine so I don't fall behind in the cousinous rivalry.
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