I've concluded that while flight attendants might look pretty they certainly aren't too bright. My Dad is a rampant coeliac disease suffer, which means he can't eat wheat. This means he orders gluten free meals on flights and is always idiotically given bread rolls/crackers/cookies. The flight staff excelled themselves this time by claiming he never ordered gluten free meals at all but its quite clearly printed on their flight details. The shamed staff had to appease him with food from first class and I hope a rather large apology.
Oh and stole this from Michelle's journal because I'm vaguely, egotistical and like to know how funny I am...
the Cutting Edge
(52% dark, 60% spontaneous, 38% vulgar)
your humor style:
Your humor's mostly innocent and off-the-cuff, but somehow there's something slightly menacing about you. Part of your humor is making people a little uncomfortable, even if the things you say aren't in and of themselves confrontational. You probably have a very dry delivery, or are seriously over-the-top. Your type is the most likely to appreciate a good insult and/or broken bone and/or very very fat person dancing.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: David Letterman - John Belushi
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 43% on dark
You scored higher than 99% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 68% on vulgar
The 3 Variable Funny Test written by
jason_bateman on
Ok Cupid