Yesterday my parents left for a 10 week jaunt to the UK. If you've seen the news reports lately it kinda doesn't seem like the best place to be heading (along with Afghanistan, Iraq and Texas) but aside from their usual neurotic fits and threats of divorce they've taken the plunge.
I'm not overly worried, I mean, only my parents could catch the same flight to Melbourne with the entire Adelaide Crows football team and have a nice chat with the operations manager. Although, they did fail me and didn't get one autograph but Mum thought Andrew McLeod looked helpful ma...
The significance of this however, is that it is the first time my parents have left me all on my own in nearly 26 years. (Granted when I was 18 they went for three months but my brother was here in all his un-house trained glory.) So for the next 10 weeks I get to play at being a real adult!
I feel I started well as the second they left I burst into tears and started cleaning. Anyone whose read anything I've ever written knows that I turn to cleaning in moments of high stress, sexual frustration and for general pleasure.
Aside from that small moment of hysteria, and noting that its only been two days, I'm actually finding it rather exciting having to rely on myself for once as opposed to taking the easy option. I do so much more too, I've already done two lots of washing and I even tackled some gardening (ok, I weeded a pot but that's a form of gardening.) Tonight I move on to cooking and tomorrow its getting my arse out of bed for work without being forcibly removed.
The other general excitement in my life was that I bought the season two of 'Degrassi Junior High' and go way to excited by the free badge in the DVD box...ahem.
Oh and do this is addictive -