Brace yourself; Summer is Coming

Apr 24, 2012 12:20

Doctor MicroBio send our schedule at 9:21 this morning.

Monday looks scary and gross already. There's nothing more annoying than a big empty block of time between classes. From eleven to one; look at that.

Tuesday should be fun, though. Restorative Art is when we learn how to make noses and ears and other things that might have gotten destroyed during death. Our Embalming Teacher once restored a woman who'd been run over. I don't know how he did it. Wonder how well I do.

Wednesday OH BOY! We get Ms. Dunn for Anatomy II! :D She's really easy to understand. Not only that, but I've been prepping for this class since last April. Bring it on, bones.

Let's see what's on Thursday...

Thursdays have always been dubbed our "Worst Day", but last semester it was because we had Psychology that day, and for some reason, everybody* had the hardest time with that class.
*Well, not everybody :3

But Pathology, Chemistry, and Embalming all on the same day, from 8:50 AM to 4:00 with hardly a moment in between to say "Wait, what?"

Friday I hear Funeral Home Merchandising is really, really boring. I'm happy that Father Frasier's is our teacher. He's LOLarious.

Hey... I just realized- we don't have Color and Cosmology. We're supposed to. I hope that's what Dean Smith wants to tell me when she asked me to call. Not likely. I probably did something. I think it's about my scarf :C I wore it all last semester, mostly just to cover half my face (makes me feel better in public when nothing below the bridge of my nose is visible).

If that's the issue, I'll go to Amazon or some other online store and buy a really, really big turtleneck sweater. Problem?

And bless us, we've got a Hermione in our class. Well, not our class, he's in section L.M and we're in C.D. His name's Ceasar, and he makes these detailed study practice guides for us. He just e-mailed us a "Grade Recorder" he made himself, and along with it, he attached a document titled "McAllister Symbol and History".

death school

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