Twilight: Seth/Rosalie: "I Know"

Nov 02, 2008 09:11

Title: I Know
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Seth/Rosalie, hint of Emmett/Leah
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: AU.
Summary: Rosalie tells Seth.
Notes: Written for twilight100 prompt beautiful and written for 100_tales prompt decisions.
[ ...Table... ]

Series: Hey Beautiful (Part 1), You Like Who? (Part 2), Hate/Like (Part 3), I Know (Part 4) and Poor You (Part 5).

“You wanted me to meet you here?” Seth asked after transforming back into human form. Rosalie smiled and nodded.

“I know how you feel about me,” Rosalie stated bluntly causing Seth to wince. “I wanted you to know that I like you as well.”

Seth stared in shock, “But--”

“Emmett understands, he actually likes Leah.”

“But we’re--”

“Mortal enemies by nature, yes, but I don’t care about that. All I care about is that I like you. I want you,” Rosalie explained.

“And I want you, beautiful.”

“Good,” Rosalie stated, wrapping her arms around him, and kissed him.


twilight: rosalie, twilight: seth, -2008, twilight: seth/rosalie, -rated g

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