Title: A Mechanic and Her Toy Truck
Fandom: Transformers
Pairings: Mikaela/Wheels (hinted at)
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Post Transformers 2.
Summary: Mikaela spots Wheels staying in the Garage she works at.
Notes: Written for my 25 Days of Christmas Drabble thingy for
brokengem prompt Mikaela/Wheels. First M/W fic, first technical Transformers fanfic. ;D
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m living here, what do you think??? I’m just here because I missed you?!?”
“What?” Mikaela gasped before smirking at the little autobot. “You missed me little guy?”
“Hey, hey, hey, who said anything about missing you??” Wheels yelled, backing away from her. Mikaela laughed at him.
“You did silly, and I guess I can let you live here, Wheels…”
“Really?” Wheels asked, excited and unable to keep his emotions in check and stay cool.
“Yeah, but if I ever catch you peeping on me naked - buddy, you’re going to get melted into scraps.”
“You got it babe!”