Supernatural: Castiel/Jo: "Standing Under the Mistletoe"

Dec 26, 2009 22:24

Title: Standing Under the Mistletoe
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairings: Castiel/Jo
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None?
Summary: Dean plays matchmaker between an angel and a blonde huntress.
Notes: Written for my 25 Days of Christmas Drabble thingy for revivingophelia prompt Castiel/Jo. Also written for 25moments prompt Drink. First Castiel/Jo, and this came out longer than I originally thought it would.
[ ...Table... ]

“You got it bad, buddy,” Dean cracked to Castiel when he came into the kitchen.

“Got what bad?” Castiel asked, confused. Dean rolled his eyes at the angel, and shook his head.

“Geez, Cas, do I have to spell it out for you? You and Jo… you know.”

“Jo and I what?”

“You know what, I’m gonna shut up right now. Just go over by the door there,” Dean pointed to a doorframe that everyone seemed to have avoided during the night. The only odd thing about it he could find was a leaves were stuck to the top, but then the whole house was decorated.


“Because, I said so.”

“But what is the point?”

“Just go already! I’ll tell Jo where you’re at.”

Castiel nodded and walked towards the doorframe and stood there, waiting. Not two minutes later, true to his word, Dean brought Jo to him. He smiled at the tiny blonde, and handed out the drink he had been getting for her. Dean backed away grinning.

“What are you doing here?” Jo stated, her eyes wondering unconsciously above his head to the mistletoe above.

“Dean told me to wait for you here.” Castiel told her blankly, “I don’t understand why, however, since I was perfectly capable of coming to you.”

“He did, did he?” Jo glanced behind her and saw Dean giving her the thumbs up, and would have laughed had she not been about to die of embarrassment. This whole mistletoe thing was a lot harder when the OTHER person didn’t even know what it meant! “I know why he told you to come here, Castiel.”

“I hoped you did, Jo. What was his reason?”

“You would be under mistletoe; do you know what that is?” Jo asked hopefully.

Castiel shook his head, “Mistletoe, I’ve heard it spoken of several times tonight, but no I do not.”

“Well, basically it’s this old tradition where when one person is standing underneath of it, another person has to kiss them before the first person can move.”

Castiel glanced up at the mistletoe before trying to move foreword, to his surprise he could still move. “But I’m not stuck here, why would I have to be kissed to be released from here?”

“It’s just a really silly tradition, Cas… and everyone follows it.”

“Oh, alright then. Then I shall reside here until someone releases me.” Castiel stood back, and smiled softly at her in thanks.

Jo blushed and bit her lip, “Well, I’m sure you don’t want to be here all night, so if you don’t mind it - I’ll release you?”

“I won’t mind, Jo.” To Jo’s shock, he seemed to blush as well, which only caused her to be even more nervous. Who would have thought it? She can fight ghosts, evil possessed men, and other supernatural creatures and not even blink an eye, but kissing an angel was making her squirm and cause her stomach to do summersaults.


He nodded, and leaned in, unable to look at him in the eyes, Jo closed her eyes, raised herself up so she was on her toes and leaned in. Seeing her reaction, Castiel closed his eyes.

It felt as if they were the only two in the room - with only their beating hearts as sound… that was the moment their lips touched. To her surprise he deepened the kiss, pulling her closer to him. Dropping her cup, Jo wrapped her arms around him… hoping that this moment would never come to an end.

Jo definitely had to thank Dean for this, even if it would boost his ego.


supernatural: castiel, supernatural: jo, supernatural: dean, -2009, supernatural: castiel/jo, supernatural, -rated pg

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