The Iron Man movie trailer is officially up. It's slightly different than the ComicCon one, but most of that footage is there, along with a few new shots here and there. And the picture is crystal-clear, and you can actually hear the dialogue, and they've tweaked the use of the Black Sabbath song to really work. And, um. Not that I'm wishing for it to be a month before my graduation or anything, but can it be May 2nd RIGHT NOW OMG? *geeks out like crazy* Tony!
My favorite part is still
"That's ridiculous. I don't paint." (Mostly because I may possibly mentally add "but my boyfriend does" to the end of that sentence.) Also, I think they might have cut the ComicCon trailer shot that appeared to be of Tony in bed with two women, but there are more shots of Pepper and Rhodey in this one, so that's cool.
Also, now I want a comic (or fic) where it's implied that Tony sleeps with Robert Downey Jr., just like he's implied to have slept with Henry Hellrung.
[E.T.A. For the record, I can only get the trailer to play all the way through in the smallest resolution. I'm not sure if that's my computer sucking, the website sucking, or the fact that everyone and their geeky uncle is trying to access this site at the moment, but YMMV.]