Recs: SS/HG Exchange IV

Feb 15, 2008 23:11

This is the fourth sshg_exchange with 135 gifts posted of fic and art. I thought I’d rec the twenty SSHG stories I loved the most and/or found really striking in some way, along with my five favorite art works posted.

I skipped the threesomes this time. More than one person over the course of the Exchange has tried to push more than one of that kind of story on me. Don’t. I’m not reading, reviewing them or reccing them. Let others do that. Anyone who tries reccing Luciusfic to me, I’m going to give them a rec for Ron/Hermione in exchange. Which I GREATLY prefer. ::glares::

In case anyone doesn’t know how it works, the concept is that people come up with prompts for stories they want or art they’d like, and in exchange they write to (or create art to) other’s specifications.

The exchange just finished, and the “reveal” of authors won’t happen for a while. I’ll edit this post after the reveal to reflect the creators’ identities.

All stories in the exchange are complete.

SSHG Fic Recs

So, in the order they were posted:

1. sophierom, “Resolution” 6,164 words, AU/Romance/Angst/Drama, (G)
Summary: There is no such thing as a tidy ending.
This is a rarity in SSHG-a true AU, where we see how a different turn of events, different choices, could have led to different and surprising outcomes.

2. sshg316, “The Long Way Home” 19,504 words, Angst/Romance (R)
Summary: The rise of the New Pure-Blood Party in Europe sends Severus Snape and his new partner, Hermione Granger, to Bulgaria, deep undercover. Cut off from everyone they know, they come to rely upon one another. A tragic misunderstanding separates them, until Hermione is seriously injured, and the two find themselves together again… this time at Spinner’s End.
I loved this story, which presents a Snape you don’t usually see and which pays off in one of the most moving love scenes I’ve read in the ship.

3. missmiah, “While You Were Sleeping” 11,176 words, Romance/Drama/Angst (PG)
Summary: Death was supposed to set him free, one way or another, not leave him trapped in his own shattering mind and only the voice of Hermione Granger for a distraction.
Imaginative in its magic and winning in its characterizations.

4. snarkypants, “The Unspeakable Canteen” 8,350 words, Humor/Romance (R)
Summary: A middle aged Hermione growing weary of Weasley finds, to her pleasant surprise, the long dead Snape is very much alive, thank you.
I liked the chemistry between Snape and Hermione, as well as the contrasting deterioration of the relationship with Ron.

5. wolf_moonshadow, Persona Contrara 47,522 words, AU/Romance/Humor (R)
Summary: She was a witch with ambition and a mission. He was a wizard with a notion for a potion. Together they would find chaos and devotion. Can a simple potion save the world? Perhaps not, but for Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters it is bound to confound.
Crackfic at its finest.

6. ubiquirk, “Hiding” 4,500 words, Drama/Angst/Romance (G)
Summary: If you live a life of lies, how long can you go without telling anyone the truth and keep your sanity? And who would be safe to tell?
This was stylish, fresh, one of the most original stories in the Exchange.

7. dickgloucester, “Through Silence” 13,307 words, Drama/Angst/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Harry runs into Snape by chance one day after the War, and while they finally come to a sort of reconciliation, it is clear that Snape is still intensely unhappy. Hermione did marry Ron, but for whatever reason, it has died and they have divorced.
I liked how Snape builds a rapport with Hermione and her children, the amicable breakup from Ron, the touches of humor.

8. scatteredlogic, “Never Too Late” 6,712 words, Drama/Romance (G)
Summary: Waiting for death, Hermione meets an old friend she never knew.
Lovely, heart-warming story. To say what I loved in it would be to give too much away.

9. hayseed_42, “Seven Habits of Highly Hateful People” 26,004 words, Humor/Adventure/Romance (R)
Summary: A post-DH situation comedy about beer, gun-wielding maniacs, and Snape's cock.
Almost crackficy-but what is wonderful is that just those things that strike you as zanny eventually fit. One of the most fun stories of the Exchange, I enjoyed it just as much for the scenes with Ron and Draco as for the SSHG.

10. fandomme, “Engineered Collisions” 19,376 words, Drama/Angst/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Everyone who witnessed Snape’s “death” had their memories modified. By whom, and to what end?
If any story could help a SSHG shipper make peace with THAT epilogue, it would be this one. I loved the depictions of the next gen and how through the events of the tale Snape slowly lets go of Lily while growing closer to Hermione.

11. warded_portal, “Counting Buttons” 4,506 words, PWP/Romance (R)
Summary: Hermione gets caught counting buttons.
The story is sensual and sexy, while never letting you forget who these characters are. Features quite a few memorable, witty lines.

12. death_ofme, “Pomegranate Seeds” 18,909 words, AU/Romance/Drama/Darkfic (R)
Summary: Upon discovering an ancient potion, Hermione travels to the Underworld in search of the martyred Severus Snape, and also in the hopes of being able to demolish the barrier between life and death. She soon learns the world is not what she expected, and neither is the man.
This was lyrical, melancholy, and all so imaginative. A haunting trip through the underworld.

13. camillo1978, “Good as Gold” 19,582 words, Drama/Humor/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Hermione’s recently retired parents plunge headlong into village life and decide to drag her along for the ride. There are a number of unexpected consequences.
I love a story that shows you an aspect of Rowling’s world and this delivered-economics, goblins, magic. A terrific romp, and I loved how the author eventually weaves together different aspects of the story.

14. wonderfulwrites, “Some Places Speak Distinctly, or Have Snape, Will Travel” 18,203 words, Adventure/Drama/Romance (R)
Summary: Exiled from the wizarding world, Hermione finds a travel companion and discovers that home can be found in the most unexpected of places.
This was thoroughly enjoyable, not just for the well-rendered settings, but the way the author built the growing attraction between a very snarky Snape and a willful Hermione.

15. bluestocking79, “The French Connection” 10,734 words, Drama/Angst/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Snape and Hermione in the Muggle world. Something about them as people, aside from the usual spectacular events and whatnot.
The story pulled me in with it’s lyricism and evocative descriptions.

16. clanadlvr_fic, “ 5 Things That Happened to Severus Snape After His Death” 3,683 words, Drama/Angst/Romance/AU (PG-13)
Summary: Through the devices of fate, it falls upon Hermione Granger to deliver the eulogy of one of the most hated, and most misunderstood, wizards of the modern age. She’s never written anything without research, but now she learns that too much knowledge can be a difficult thing.
Beautifully written and surreal, I loved how this played with the lines between imagination and reality, particularly the realities we conjur up in writing.

17. a_bees_buzz, “Snapewatch” 8,475 words, Humor/Romance (G)
Summary: The end of the war should have been a time for happily-ever-afters. For Severus Snape, it was the beginning of the greatest torment of all. He had survived the meddling of a master manipulator and the machinations of a mad megalomaniac, only to find himself subjected to the whims of an annoying know-it-all.
Wickedly funny, with a Hermione who’s brilliant, but scary. Had lots of memorable lines verging on laugh out loud funny.

18. duniazade, “On Earth as in Heaven” 3,477 words, Drama/Adventure/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Two wanderers ask for hospitality. But gifts from the gods are sometimes strange.
This was one of the most original stories of the Exchange. Well-written, with a wonderful sense of place. The illustration is also lovely.

19. mundungus42, “The Room of Lost Dreams” 31,108 words, Drama/Adventure/Romance (M)
Summary: As a youth, Snape enchanted his Potions journal to ensnare Lily. It didn’t work until years later when it got Hermione instead.
A terrific yarn-well-written and imaginative.

20. danistormborn, “The Dark Headmaster” 9,678 words, Drama/Darkfic (M)
Summary: A ghost story… with vampires and boggarts and Umbridge…
This is the kind of darkfic I respect-not based on shocking people by being as vile as possible, but simply suspenseful and spooky and delivering shivers through good, good writing..


There were really some gorgeous art works offered up on the Exchange. I’m going to limit myself to pointing out my five favorites (and that wasn’t easy-I could have easily made it top ten.) In the order they were posted:

1. sabrebabe, “Gift for timestep” (G)
Description: Severus and Hermione are in their rooms writing in the Research Journals to each other.
The details in this drawing are just eye-poppingly lovely.

2. grinnifer, “Fawkes Reviving Snape” (G)
Description: Hermione watches from the shadows how Fawkes rescues Severus.
Fawkes is just stunning. I didn’t even have to click to remind myself of this one.

3. _odella_, “The Memory of You” (G)
Description: Hermione sitting alone in Snape’s office, holding a photograph and reflecting on the past.
Gorgeous and poignant-one of those that looks absolutely professional.

4. subtilior, “Art for Lurkerfromoz” (G)
Description: This is a response to the prompt: 'Medieval tapestry.'
I love how this looks like a tapestry with a tapestry-the woven piece at the wall and Hermione both.

5. maaiker, “Checkmate” (G)
Description: Snape and Hermione playing chess, he's smirking, obviously.
I remember my reaction after clicking. OMG, gorgeous. My favorite art piece of the Exchange.

For all this wealth of SSHG we have to thank mugglegirl0908 who started the exchange, shiv5468 and ginny_weasley31 and scatteredlogic for doing such great jobs organizing and maintaining it and mollyssister, southernwitch69, keladry_lupin, deemichele and sshg316 for helping them out. All are to be commended for their hard work, as are all the participants who produced some wonderful stories out of challenging prompts.

And two more non-Exchange recs, because today has been a day rich in good fic:

bambu325 Weasley's Patented Method R/Hr 1,745 (G) Drama
Summary: After more than twenty years, Ron has his act together . . . or does he?
Please don't be put off that this is seemingly a fic about Ron and Hermione. I don't want to spoil it, but this fic *nails* something that has greatly bothered me about Ron ever since Deathly Hallows.

silburygirl The Burdens of Being Functional SSHG 4,794 words (PG) Drama
Summary: After Ron's accidental death, Snape is thrown into the middle of his family's grief.
Part 1 of 2--but the author promises to post the rest Tuesday. Just does so well expressing the awkward emotions of grief and making you feel for Snape and Hermione both.
Edit - now complete

Edit 2/25/08 - added authors' names post-reveal

fic recs, exchangerecs, ss/hg

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