I’ve read/been told two very succinct definitions of plot that have stayed with me, though I can’t remember the source:
1) Get your character up a tree-then throw rocks.
2) …And then it got worse.
I think I'm going to need more than that. I had my arm twisted was encouraged by
elidyce and
bambu345 to participate in this year's
NaNoWrMo. That commits you to
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I've known some people who've gotten published, and read a lot about it, and from what I can gather, in a lot of ways its easier to sell a novel than a short story. The short fiction market is very small, and very, very tight. A lot of ficcers start at that end first, and many find it very frustrating to break into.
Usually the way my muse tortures me though is she gives me beautiful, glorious, and amazing inspiration just when I think that winding down my story. Either that inspiration needs to go in at that point in the story or it needs to be added back earlier in the story causing a MASSIVE rewrite.
:g: I think though my fav parts of my own stories are the moments I never planned and came out the fingertips at the last minute. They're usually the favs of reviewers too--I guess why I'm a bit skeptical about outlines. But I'm going to try this time.
As soon as I find a good bunny.
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