I’ve read/been told two very succinct definitions of plot that have stayed with me, though I can’t remember the source:
1) Get your character up a tree-then throw rocks.
2) …And then it got worse.
I think I'm going to need more than that. I had my arm twisted was encouraged by
elidyce and
bambu345 to participate in this year's
NaNoWrMo. That commits you to
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For some reason, I never considered working on an HP fic for NaNo. D'oh! Yes, I know, it has to be new. But still. D'oh! LOL! Although I still think I'd like to use the excuse to actually work on one of the original stories that I've put off starting for numerous reasons. Not that I ever expect much from them... but it's one of those things that you never know until you try and with these kind of posts... well, it gives me hope that I'm not completely hopeless. If I avoid various pitfalls like the 'saids', that is. ;)
Anyhow, I didn't think that I'd said it before... thanks for making these posts. You always give me a lot to think about. I wish that I had a plot bunny to give you. Have you looked at the SS/HG Exchange prompt claim? No, you can't claim a prompt unless you signed up for the exchange... however, there are 77 prompts there. I'm not saying to use one of those prompts. My recommendation would be that reading some prompts might help you brainstorm. :)
I use a rough outline. Nothing too detailed. I know the major thing(s) that need to occur in each chapter, whether that's in my head or on paper depends how detailed the plot it. But I'm also very flexible.
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