Dare Me!

Dec 07, 2009 20:03

Congrats to everyone who placed in the sshg_awards and thanks to Shug, who's earned a good fandom rest. Thank you also to everyone who sent me a virtual snowflake cookie--duniazade, sshg316, gioiamia, kribu, ciphre, ginny_weasley31. Thank you for thinking of me!

So--NaNoWriMo. Didn't do good things for me. I think everyone should try it at least once, just like everyone should try an Exchange at least once. Some muses thrive on that sort of challenge and deadline. Mine, not so much I think. So, what am I doing? Setting myself another...

I can't promise anything--it depends on whether a prompt sparks something. My muse is not the most reliable beastie and tends to turn her button nose up at carrots. And I still want to finish Book of Shadows (still working on it, and even if not much wordage got done, at least I broke the ice a bit). I owe renitaleandra a sequel to "Madmen and Englishwomen" and lifeasanamazon a disgustingly overdue birthday ficlet. But...

My beta djinn_fic reminded me writing is a muscle, and if BOS isn't coming, I should work on other stuff or I'll get rusty. So, give me a Christmas/Winter Holiday/Winter Season prompt in Harry Potter or Trek (anything but Enterprise) for a ficlet or drabble. Any ship or character (except no Lucius pairing)--and I'll try. Up to 12 people. Let me know your dealbreakers. Not writing any non con or dub con.

challenge, my hpfic, startrek, nano

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