Love to the Nominees (Except Wonderfulchild, I HATE YOU)

Nov 02, 2009 17:18

The nominees for the sshg_awards have been posted here with links. Voting begins on the 5th and runs an entire month, so there's time to catch up on stories here you missed, and voting is a lot less involved than nominating (you don't have to worry about what's eligible among other things, and only one vote per category so you don't have to write out multiple choices. Hell, you don't even have to link, find author LJ or email. Just use the form below and type up the title of your vote (taken from the com profile):

Congratulations to all the nominees. Just to make it this far is an honor. If I haven't congratulated you individually, consider it done now! Lots I nominated on that list. SQUEE!!!

Also, annietalbot wrote an Open Letter regarding awards I muchly agree with here. She puts it more nicely and diplomatically than I will.

The Kanye West Awards

For those not familiar with the man, here's a wiki entry about him here. You do not want to emulate him. This is a man even Obama, who is usually civil, called a "jackass." I wish I had some graphics talent, and could offer a nice little JPEG here. But the rules of this award are simple. They're self-nominated and self-awarded. You need do no self-pimping! You award yourself this for:

* Talking down awards to people just nominated--thus dimming their joy.

* Not bothering to congratulate a nominee before ranting about how you were robbed. (Special ribbon if you tell a nominee directly you should have been nominated instead of her--and yes, I know of an instance.)

* Claiming that you or your friends not making the nomination list has anything to do with cheating or conspiracies.

* Complaining about the rules being unfair or unclear--even though you didn't speak up during the commenting period but only after you didn't make the list.

* Bitching about the results even though you didn't nominate.

Seriously, I get being disappointed. I do. I was always a contender in the awards back in Trek, have rarely been in Harry Potter and never in the sshg_awards. It's human to be disappointed. And for many, it's not even so much not winning, as what you lose to. I don't care what the awards are, from the Oscars to the Nobel Prize to any fandom awards, you can always run your eye down a list and wonder, "What the Hell were they thinking?" I sure have. With any and every fandom awards. And that certainly can add to the sense of hurt when you're not included.

So go, lick your wounds with your friends--privately. I'm certainly not going to mock that. But when you make public comments along the lines above, whenever you whine in public that you didn't get that nomination/award/validated status/featured/much reviews/rec on KIA-Crack_Broom-Fangirl Tour/listing on the Digest/whatever and especially that it must be some shadowy conspiracy denying you recognition of your genius, you're going to make lots of people assume you're a lurid green ball of envy with the maturity of a five year old. And you dim the joy of those nominated, who deserve their day in the sun.

And not nominating? You know the real reason nominees get nominated? People who loved their stories nominated them.

Why I Hate Wonderfulchild

Wonderful: soooo...if I were to do nano - not that I am - what would I have to do to reach the word count?
Me: 50,000 words at the end of the month IIRC, which IIRC is around 1,700 words each day--or at least on average. I'll happily read your stuff and cheerlead. But if you do this, no tinkering, no looking back. Just full steam ahead. You can revise in December, but that's the only way this will work.
Wonderful: I don't wanna do it alone
Me: *sigh* *narrow eyed look* I could try Book of Shadows
Wonderful: That would be encouraging to me...
Me: Except I'm so locked...blocked...constipated
Wonderful: No looking back. Just full steam ahead. You can revise in December.
Me: *SWAT*

*Sigh* Yeah. And that icon is from my last try, which wasn't stellar. And yeah, I know, it's supposed to be a new project. But I want to finish my damn albatross of a WIP so....

Oh, Wonderful? I hate you. I hate you sooooooooooooooo much. *fires up Word* *bites nails* I'm already behind!

Oh, and mundungus42's filk below is FTW!

And a house-elf dropped these at my doorstep. And then ran off to iron her hands.

nano, awards

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