Guide to Completed SSHG Novellas (Post DH Year Two - Non-Canon)

Sep 09, 2009 13:56

To make comments and for explanations, see Guide to Completed SSHG Novellas (Post DH Year Two) Part II: Canon Compatible

In the order in which they were posted:

DH Era Year Two SSHG Novellas - Part I: Non-Canon Compatible

1) a-new-author, Forbidden (R) 32,949 words
Publish Date: 7/22/08
Genres: Romance, Family
Summary: What happens when the relationships between student and teacher are forbidden find out. Story begins in the summer before 5th year. Please note story is au and does not follow the HP story line after book 4 severitus challenge fic as well. enjoy
Warning: Chan

2) themistresssnape, Beautiful Terror (NC-17) 29,121 words
Publish Date: 7/22/08
Genres: Romance, Angst, Drama, Darkfic
Summary: THE HOGWARTS VAMPIRE CHRONICLES: Part I. There's a vampire creeping around the grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And it has claimed its next victim.
Warning: Blood/Gore, Character Death, Horror, Violence

3) hermoine snape, In the Dark (R) 11,553 words
Publish Date: 8/14/08
Genres: Angst, Romance
Summary: RW/HG SS/HG The rummors of the Potions Master was drawn to her and she didn't know why. Her stare cut him like a knife. His stare sent a chill down her spine. It was a good feeling.... Now COMPLETE! Improved!

4) chivalric55, Educational Challenge (NC-17) 11,460 words
Publish Date: 8/18/08
Genres: Humor, PWP
Summary: Time for exams at Hogwarts. For Potions, naturally it's Snape who does the deed. Equally naturally, it's Hermione who wants to get full marks.

5) patz1307, healing hands, mending heart, saving lives (R) 12,569 words
Publish Date: 8/20/08
Genres: Romance
Summary: Severus Snape was a snarky potions master, Hermione Granger is an insufferable know it all. What if Snape saved her life more than once? What were his reasons behind it? one full story in one chapter... Rated M for a certain reason : . enjoy!

6) southernwitch69, Parody: The Amazing Time-turner (NC-17) 25,674 words
Publish Date: 8/27/08
Genres: Humor, Adventure, Drama, PWP, Romance
Summary: A special Time-Turner helps Hermione go back and befriend young Snape. Together, they make a potion that will bring down the modern day Lord Voldemort once and for all.

7) ThatReallyQuietGirl, I Never Loved You (PG-13) 12,732 words
Publish Date: 8/28/08
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: Severus Snape has found his own kind of cynical and sarcastic "love" with Hermione Granger who has come back to Hogwarts broken and indifferent to life. But when Hermione leaves Snape he begins to realise just how easy it is to lose himself. H/S

8) rinny08, The Shrieking Shack (R) 35,251 words
Publish Date: 9/4/08
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: A series of secret rendezvous becomes something more. HGSS, during the war, AU since HPB and DH.

9) crimson_clad (andarte), Judging Books By Their Covers (R) 21,465 words
Publish Date: 9/10/08
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: When Hermione happens across an old book and tries a seemingly simple spell, she gets more than she bargained for. AU/AR. Rated M for later chapters.

10) saavik13, Mudblood (PG) 13,770 words
Publish Date: 9/14/08
Genres: Angst, Romance
Summary: They did not ask for this. They did nothing more than be born with gifts they could not begin to fully understand. They did not choose to be our burden. They only ask to live. I see it in her eyes. This understanding. She knows this is her war." SS

11) jazzies-girl, Dark Nights (PG-13) 22,279 words
Publish Date: 10/16/08
Genres: Supernatural, Romance
Summary: Hermione's parents are dead but they're not really her parents. Who is her real father and what is he hiding from her? Creaturefic, pairing undecided
Note: Vampire

12) eve_7564, Lady (NC-17) 10,966 words
Publish Date: 10/20/08
Genres: Fluff, Angst, Romance, PWP, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Five years after the Final Battle, Severus and Hermione are co-workers. Hermione is convinced Severus hates her, and Severus thinks Hermione would never want him. What happens when she finally gets up the nerve to ask him to dance at a Ministry function? It's really more of a PWP, but I didn't want to mislead anyone! ;o) Based on "Lady" by the Little River Band (forget the melody... the lyrics are what caught my attention).
Note: Songfic

13) Trawler, Planet of the Snapes (NC-17) 13,711 words
Publish Date: 10/20/08
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Drama, Adventure, PWP
Summary: Professor Granger finds herself subject to a highly unusual - and interesting - dream!

14) HJGrangerRocks, The Story of Soul Mates (PG) 19,512 words
Publish Date: 10/22/08
Genres: Romance
Summary: Non Cannon story of HG/SS. Short story done in one chapter.

15) mariteri, The Guardian (R) 16,000 words
Publish Date: 10/30/08
Genres: Romance
Summary: The war is over. Secrets are being revealed. Can a childhood friendship be salvaged?
Note: Vampire

16) sugaryfine, Trapped (R) 12,386 words
Publish Date: 11/4/08
Genres: Romance, Angst, Humor
Summary: Five years after the fall of the Dark Lord, Severus Snape receives a letter, which contents threaten his freedom again. He is doomed to get married or be expelled from the wizarding world. Dumbledore believes it is not the end of the world as they know it, while McGonagall thinks the Minister has gone mental. Why, oh why, do Dumbledore's eyes twinkle so insufferably? And what is Miss Granger doing in ‘his’ vacation hut? Marriage Law: Not all what you read is true.
Note: MLC

17) pansyweasley, Severus's Trip (NC-17) 19,211 words
Publish Date: 11/7/08
Genres: Romance
Summary: Severus accepts a bribe to play the part of Hermiones love interest, but ends up finding something he's been lookiing for

18) brandy_girl01, Right Here In My Arms (R) 38,726 words
Publish Date: 11/13/08
Genres: Drama, Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: After her messy divorce, Hermione Granger finds that someone is trying to destroy her reputation. She seeks out the help of Severus Snape to help her find out who it is. Will their past relationship affect how they work together?

19) nastygrl, Knickers (NC-17) 11,465 words
Publish Date: 11/23/08
Genres: PWP
Summary: Pureblood wizards do not, as a rule, wear underwear. A collection of one-shots revolving around knickers.

20) dragons_quill, The Trouble With Furby (PG-13) 12,651 words
Publish Date: 11/24/08
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: A Furby innocently enough finds its way into the hallowed Halls of Hogwarts. What happens when it gets loose with some ‘help’ from our favorite mischief maker Peeves? Will Hogwarts ever be the same? Come enjoy the fun that havoc can wreak!

21) french-lo, Elle et Lui, Emprisonnés (PG-13) 23,738 words
Publish Date: 11/27/08
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: She was scared for the other prisoners. She was scared for herself. What was going to happen?

22) mariteri, The Reluctant Detectives (NC-17) 34,395 words
Publish Date: 11/30/08
Genres: Mystery, Romance
Summary: Someone is terrorizing the magical world. Is it rogue death eaters or someone they have never heard of before? It is a blackmailed Hermione Granger and Severus Snape that must find the answers, but will they find something else too?

23) sunny33, Plotting With The Potions Professor (R) 10,213 words
Publish Date: 12/16/08
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Dumbledore is planning a Yule Ball and running dance lessons. A certain couple is not impressed with the headmaster's ideas and set out to show him a thing or two.

24) molly_snape, Professio Fines Finium (R) 24,006 words
Publish Date: 12/16/08
Genres: Romance
Summary: Professional Boundaries: What happens when the forbidden becomes the desired, and the desired achievable? With the fetters of age, authority and temperament standing in their way, can they truly find love? HG/SS & a little DM/RW

25) trizfores, Life and Its Mysteries (R) 39,524 words
Publish Date: 12/30/08
Genres: Drama, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: A criminal is on the lose. Auror Hermione Granger, hot on its heels tries to solve the case and catch the criminal. Along the way, her past catches up with her, including Severus Snape himself.

26) avanel, Glaciers in Camelot (PG-13) 16,744 words
Publish Date: 1/4/09
Genres: Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Hermione comes to Hogwarts to teach, and discovers that Severus Snape is suffering from his involvement in the war. She responds to her "strengthen the weak, help the suffering" impulses and in the process, discovers more than she set out to find.

27) sephiaowl (caprisonya), Gravity and the Written Word (G) 16,351 words
Publish Date: 1/10/09
Genres: Drama
Summary: Over a year after the war, Hermione decides to write her story, with the help of an old nemesis.

28) pianocat143, The Progeny (R) 29,072 words
Publish Date: 1/21/09
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Post-War in which Voldemort is victorious. He decides to have heirs and picks two powerful witches to bear them. Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy, counted as loyal Death Eaters, must find a way to stop him from becoming more powerful.

29) pansyweasley, Where Things Lead This Time (NC-17) 21,715 words
Publish Date: 1/27/09
Genres: Romance, PWP
Summary: Sequel to 'Where Things Lead' , picks uo the morning after, when Severus and Lucius awak to find the girls have left
Note: LM/GW

30) mypseudonym, The Parenthood (PG-13) 25,860 words
Publish Date: 1/28/09
Genres: Fluff, Romance, Family
Summary: When a Ministry adoption law forces Snape into parenthood how will he cope? Who will help him learn, and how will their relationship change?

31) alliean, Macaroons (PG-13) 12,216 words
Publish Date: 1/30/09
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Hermione is doing her duty by marrying Ron, but someone is determined to make her see the error of her ways. And what is Professor Snape doing in a wedding dress shop! Some mild language and sexual suggestiveness.
Recs: fangirl_tour

32) alliean, Macaroon Crumbs (PG) 19,176 words
Publish Date: 2/3/09
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: A few additional mini-fics or 'crumbs' from the story 'Macaroons', mostly moments people wanted to see that weren't a part of the main story.
Recs: fangirl_tour

33) snapealicious, Two Valentines (R) 39,113 words
Publish Date: 2/14/09
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: Hermione settles for one Valentine experience and later learns from someone very special that it doesn't take one day a year to show and experience love. SS/HG, GW/DM, Lemons, Graphic word use, Sex. I do not own Harry Potter or the characters 1st fanfic

34) debjunk, If Only I Could Turn Back Time (PG-13) 23,002 words
Publish Date: 2/19/09
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus Snape regrets not becoming romantically involved with Hermione Granger in his past. Will a trip back in time solve all of his problems?
Note: Time-turner

35) slytherinlion.o9, Matchmaking the Unmatched (PG-13) 20,673 words
Publish Date: 2/19/09
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: What happens when nine people work together and help their two oblivious friends get together one summer? an SSHG SONGFIC. AU, OOC. Other pairings as well. Happens six years after the trio's graduation.
Note: Songfic

36) TheBlackNecromancer, Grey Dawn (PG-13) 10,912 words
Publish Date: 2/20/09
Genres: Romance
Summary: Severus thought that the death of the demon would spell the end of his troubles. He was wrong. It was only the beginning… *Sequel to The Watcher of Darkness*

37) julilith (Olethros), The Long Drive Home (PG-13) 15,473 words
Publish Date: 2/24/09
Genres: Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: A Portkey blunder leaves Severus and Hermione stranded in America, doomed to a cross-country road trip with only each other for company. They’re obviously perfect for each other, but can they refrain from killing each other first? AU after OotP.

38) kiristeen, Hidden Truths (PG) 23,035 words
Publish Date: 2/24/09
Genres: Angst, Humor
Summary: Following the death of Hermione's parents, certain truths, long hidden from everyone, come to light, throwing Hermione's life, as well as several others into chaos. Hermione is her mother's daughter, but she isn't her father's.

39) tribunicianveto (julymorning), Chiaroscuro (NC-17) 12,143 words
Publish Date: 2/26/09
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Owain, the head of the Order of Bards, sends Hermione to Wales to gain experience at the feet of a master. There, she discovers that contrasts can be powerful inspiration.
Recs: fangirl_tour

40) panseyweasley, Partners (NC-17) 13,032 words
Publish Date: 3/8/09
Genres: PWP
Summary: Sequel to The Hunt LL/GG , GW/LM , PP/RW. Severus and Hermione work on a potion together. Severus is forced to face emotions when they test it themselves.

41) selinabln, Puzzle Pieces (PG-13) 14,824 words
Publish Date: 3/10/09
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: On the night before Rose’s wedding, somebody has to face the ghosts of the past.

42) slytheringriffendor21, There's No Place Like Hogwarts (NC-17) 33,956 words
Publishing Date 3/11/2009
Genre: Romance, Angst
Summary: Hermione returns to Hogwarts after being gone for several years. What will happen when she and Severus see each other again? Will they have a chance at a future?

43) tinytexans, Mercenary Games (NC-17) 17,038 words
Publish Date: 3/13/09
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Summary: Hermione lands at Grimmauld Place, half naked, in the middle of the night. Mystery and mayhem ensues! Original Prompt: Post-HBP, Snape has not died - but neither has Voldemort. The war continues on past seventh year, and Hermione, reeling from the loss of some of her schoolmates, goes undercover for the Order. She and Snape both use Grimmauld place as a base, and though much of the time they're like ships in the night, they eventually connect over the thrills and trials of espionage.

44) brandi01, Beyond Blue (PG) 16,953 words
Publish Date: 3/14/09
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: A marriage law has been passed by the new Minister for Magic... Hermione and Snape aren't impressed, but they have to follow the law, right?
Note: MLC

45) fizzabella1110, The Oldest Magic (PG) 10,225 words
Publish Date: 3/23/09
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Summary: In which we share some of the experiences of Professor Snape and Madam Granger-Snape as they experience the wonder of first-time parenthood.

46) AlwaysSS, April Fools (R) 25,258 words
Publish Date: 3/28/09
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Under the guise of an April Fools' Day prank, Hermione and Draco team up to bring Professor Snape to his knees, literally.

47) 2NiCe4U, The Challenge of Hating You (PG-13) 29,685 words
Publish Date: 4/10/09
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: Sometimes it's just too hard to back out of a game when you've gone too far...and sometimes, the rules change. SSHG

48) ThunderSpeak, Leaving his Mark (PG-13) 19,660 words
Publish Date: 5/10/09
Genres: Tragedy, Romance
Summary: In the final days of battle, Harry and the wizarding world prepare for the worst. Unfortunately, Hermione is an optimistic person.

49) 2NiCe4U, When CrumpleHorned Snorkacks Attack (PG-13) words
Publish Date: 5/17/09
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: Severus and Hermione could never have suspected that Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, a closet, and, of course, mistletoe, would lead to more than their casual acquaintance. SSHG Long One Shot.

50) I.Am.Helena.Of.Shakespeare., The Kyzetsky Incident (PG-13) 13,763 words
Publish Date: 5/19/09
Genres: Romance, Spiritual
Summary: A potion goes wrong on the first day, sending Hermione Granger and Severus Snape into a coma-like state. They are both awake in a lucid dream, fighting three trials. The Youth, the Regret, and Forgiveness. Will they make it out alive? Reviews welcome! :

51) sc010f, Meadowlark (R) 36,176 words
Publish Date: 6/16/09
Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt-Comfort, Alternate Universe
Alt Link:
Summary: Struck by a curse during the final battle, Hermione struggles to grasp what is reality and what is not. Is the curse merely revealing the truth that has been hidden for seven years?
Recs: fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (Nominee - Angst, Mid-length)

52) lulabelle72, The Price of Leaving Early (NC-17) 12,141 words
Publish Date: 6/25/09
Genres: Romance, PWP
Alt Link:
Summary: If politeness is the glue that holds society together, then bad manners are the ropes that tie it to the bed.

53) Adea, A New Life (R) 16,408 words
Publish Date: 6/30/09
Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Family
Summary: Hermione wonders how her life would have turned out that way. Little did she know that she would get a second chance… Completely AU ! Not a romantic pairing. Rated M because of suicide attempt though the story will have a nicer atmosphere soon .

54) bohemian-rhapsodi, A Stranger's Kindness (PG-13) 30,726 words
Publish Date: 7/3/09
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Summary: Hermione Granger always knew that her life was on hold for Harry's cause, but a gesture of kindness from a mysterious stranger will soon begin to change her mind. AU, HGSS, In response to a 'Daddy Long-Legs' WIKTT challenge, but anyone can read it!

55) panseyweasley, CSI: England (R) 16,200 words
Publish Date: 7/7/09
Genres: Romance, Mystery
Summary: Hermione investigates an accusation of rape against her former lover.

56) trizfores, Bid for Love (R) 16,731 words
Publish Date: 7/7/09
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: A bachelor auction is going to be held at Hogwarts. Sev has no way out of it, and has to join. Trelawney wants him. He needs help. Who is he to turn to? Loads of laughs here!

57) Trawler, Wandslinger (PG) 12,720 words
Publish Date: 7/8/09
Genres: Humor, Drama, Adventure, Romance
Summary: The man in black fled across the forest, and the gunslinger followed... what happens when, in all of Roland's long wanderings, he comes across Hogwarts? What will Snape and Hermione make of him?

58) Aura_Illumina, Gentle Rain (PG-13) 20,488 words
Publish Date: 7/10/09
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: Severus Snape is forced to let his least favourite ex-student to help him with his post-Cruciatus effects. Contains sarcasm, bad humor, fury and... find out yourself!

59) solas_divided, Conditions of Love (NC-17) 11,534 words
Publish Date: 7/10/09
Summary: Hermione gets a mission into a world she didn't know existed, and into the life of a man she had assumed dead for over a decade. Can she summon the nerves to tell him how she truly feels this time around or will her mission steal away her second chance?
Note: Vampire

Continue to Part II

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