May 28, 2004 09:33
And the only way to save myself, is to become IMMUNE to you.
I've decided.
I've decided this before and it never worked out, but I think that was because I was looking at it all wrong, taking it to the extreme at first, then not taking it seriously enough...
But now I think I've got the formula down right.
I can still be friends with people, still see them, hang out, joke around...
But I have to be IMMUNE.
There's a big difference between fading away and becoming immune.
Fading away implies not talking to people at all, not chilling with them, letting them miss you...
That always backfires on me bigtime, though.
I end up missing the people frmo whom I'm faing away more than they miss me.
I give in, I cave, and end up looking like a desperate fool.
So, I've established that I just cannot be happy without certain people in my life, regardless of how they often treat me, I just can't be without them.
So, the solution?
Drumroll, please...
Laws of Immunity:
-Expect to be lied to. Don't be hurt when you find out you've been lied to, accept it. Use it as a reminder not to get too attached to the person. In those weaker moments when you feel that someone is really making a connection to you, remember those lies. Don't argue about them, don't make a fuss...just remember them.
-Don't rely on consistent contact. Expect to not see the person every day. Expect to not even speak to them every day. Do not hold this against them or complain to them about it- like the lies, just remember it. When the person starts sweettalking you or remindnig you of old times, just remember these days of silence. Remember that for those few days, you didn't matter very much to them, so why should you believe you're so important to them now?
Ummm I can't think of any more official rules right now, but the Cardinal Rule of Immunity is...
That's right, the insanely emotional has taken a turn for the logical.
Don't be fooled by sweet talk and a romantic atmosphere and all that TV movie bullshit.
If the person lies to you consistently, or if they don't always make an effort to see or talk to you, or if they make excuses to ditch you, or if they throw false accusations at you and humiliate you, or if they're guilty of some or all of the above...they're not in love with you. They probably don't even seriously like you. No matter what they say in those "tender moments". No matter what their eyes say.
Logic is not just a pillar of Immunity.
Logic IS Immunity.
Hehe- my new motto.
Logic is Immunity.
(I know there's incorrect grammar all over this post- "they" should be "he/she", but I got tired of doing that so I went with "they" even though it's plural and hence completely wrong and it really annoys me when other people do it)
Logic is Immunity.
And I shall be immune to you.
Still chill, still be friends, like nothing's wrong, nothing's ever wrong...
But I won't be hurt, which is good for me.
I also, however, will not be attached, which may or may not be good for you...only time will tell.
Why didn't I think of it before?
If I can execute it properly, I should be in for one hell of a fun summer, without the constant betrayed jealous humiliated lonely feeling.
"You bewitched me into bed, kissed me quite insane"
Not anymore.
Nope, no more bewitching and insanity, only pure logic, analytical assessments of the situation.
If you treat me a certain way, you can't have certain feelings for me, and I won't believe you do have those feelings, even in the best of times, because that would be foolish, and Saryta doesn't want to be foolish anymore.
Bye bye.