I just got scolded three times by my roommate to work on my essay that's due tomorrow (or on Tuesday),
And I realized while commenting on one of my sis's pics (on deviantArt:
http://melody1989.deviantart.com/art/Gift-Momoko-144035865 ) that I WAS TALKING LIKE MY GIRLFRIEND. Thank you Linor, I love you so very much~ (really I do <3) and yes, that is an issue. I'm contemplating now whether or not I should plan a slip up.
But it's worth maybe a $700 plane ticket and I don't think it's worth that much for the awkwardness. Maybe. If that makes any sense to anyone, LET ME KNOW PLZ.
Now I'm going to try to work on that essay...after I do a link spam..a.nd--those four math problems that keep staring at me. They're evil you know?
yes this was a completely pointless journal entry. Methinks I need one of those. My head hurts the most, don't cha think?