Apr 02, 2012 20:08
A good first day.
I didn't have to be in until 1, because they have a meeting Monday mornings and I would've been sitting there with nobody to train me if I went in the morning. So, I met up with my dad, bro, and bro-in-law to have lunch at Trolley. I got a delicious salad, which is good because that afternoon my stomach decided to rebel on me, and I can't imagine how it would've been if it had been full of a burger and fries.
So, yes - my stomach felt intensely churny and sick, not quite to the point where I wanted to puke but threatening to reach the point at any moment. And I had to sit in my office being trained and paying very close attention because I am going to be in charge of a lot of things from here on out. I think I did pretty well considering how gross I was feeling. I asked several questions that impressed Nate (the guy training me) because I was apparently very perceptive. (Of course, when he was talking about how I will check and see if a company has enough money for all its checks to clear, and that if it didn't I would transfer some money into it, I didn't think saying, "Okay, from where?" was really that remarkably insightful. But he said it was a very good question. Which is true.)
He also seemed worried that he wasn't explaining things very well. There are some complicated relationships going on, and we all know that feeling where you're explaining something you know backwards and forwards to someone who doesn't know any of it, and you aren't sure you're getting all the details or if you're just confusing them even more. So when he slipped up on one of his journal entries, and I said "Shouldn't those debit and credit entries be switched?" he was massively relieved that I clearly was understanding what was going on. So I would say I put in a good performance today.
Basically, here's the rundown - I am in charge of the finances for nine companies. NINE. As in, I now have bank logins and passwords and access to checks that adds up to, well, over a million bucks. Yep! I'm moving up in the world. And let me tell you, it's nice to see big numbers in the bank accounts and knowing we're not going to have trouble paying our bills, and I won't have to beg for money every pay period, and basically I'm not in a company that's a monetary black hole anymore. It's nice. I like it. Also, having so many companies with so many things to do means that it won't really be as boring as I feared. There's a lot to do, and enough things to switch between that I'll always have something else to do when I've just had enough of something.
I did learn that the stuff I'm going to be doing hasn't been done for a full month. There are pros and cons to this. Pro: this means these reports aren't super important and I can take the time to learn to do them correctly. Con: I'm already a month behind on my work. Pro: I have a lot of "practice tests," meaning I can just do a bunch of them in a row while my trainer is right here on hand, and I should be able to learn to do them a lot quicker than if I just had one a day, or one a week. This is good since Nate doesn't work only at DIU, he has several other companies he works at, so I need to learn as much as possible this week while he's planning to be at DIU to train me.
He also noted that he appreciated my professional dress (score!). And he let me know that it's pretty casual there, so I can dress down if I want to. Which I kinda do. (And I assumed it would be allowed, since we don't see any customers or anything. But I went with professional dress for my first day, because that is what you do, no matter what.) I think tomorrow I'll wear my dark-wash jeans, but with a nice top still. Don't want to show up in frumpy jeans and a baggy T-shirt just because he said casual was OK. Besides, I like lookin' nice! Also I haven't had a chance to see if any of the guys who work there are hot? I mean they might be. And maybe single too. Anyway the point is I bought four nice "office-appropriate" tops last week and I want to wear them to work. But it's good to know I can wear some of my sweet Harley shirts too.
Other victory of the day - after seeing the Goofy Challenge on my resume (yep, it's on there) he looked it up and told me today that I had inspired him. That he'd never, ever thought he could do a marathon but that now he thinks maybe he could. I'm guessing this is because I look like a normal person, not that mental image of a marathoner people have. I mean, I'm normal-sized. Got a little pudge around my tummy, y'know. I'm not a ultra-lithe stick figure like those marathoners you see on TV and whatnot. Anyway, we talked a while about that and I was talking about how I was so unprepared because of my shin splints and did it anyway, and he was like, "How did you do it? You're an animal!" and honestly I think he's one of the most impressed people I've come across while talking about it, hahaha. So I talked about how great Disney is, about keeping you hydrated and supplying food and such, and keeping you entertained, and how you run through the parks and random people on their vacations are cheering for you, and THEN I sealed the deal by telling him that next year is the 20th anniversary of the Mickey Marathon so the medal will be special, and now - well, he's thinkin' it. He especially liked that since it was Disney World, his family could come and it would be like - an actual vacation, not just "come watch me run, it'll be fun guys."
So! All in all a good day, other than the churning sickness. It was somewhat better by the end of the day, and I came home and made some cream of broccoli soup (the Campbell's Soup-At-Hand things are the BEST, I discovered them this winter and I always have a couple just for those cold, sick days - and this was my last one so I gotta buy more), and just lay in bed for a few hours. Reading, but I was trying to read Boone and guys, it is surprisingly boring for being about a famous adventurer and frontiersman. That book is gonna take me a while. I actually got bored and picked up The Magic Mountain instead, which is 700 pages and written in 1927 and translated from German. And it was more interesting. What is the world coming to?