Well, I'm 62 pages into Life of Pi and I think I'm going to give up. It seriously took me like an hour to read those 20 pages today and I just could not even muster up the fakest of interest in anything he was saying. And without the pressure of trying to reach my goal for the year, I just can't take it anymore. XD The author is just way too proud of his own writing, even the ideas that were presented awkwardly and had nothing to do with anything. He should take careful note that the things that are in a book should have something to do with the book itself. If it doesn't apply to your story, don't put it in. I don't care how smart it makes you sound.
Anyway, I probably won't start another one until after this semester is over. And then maybe I won't finish it before the year's up so it can count as my first book for next year. ;) In the meantime, enjoy this video. I think those of all political persuasions can heartily agree with it. Subtitled for your ultimate enjoyment! (but note that when the subs say "Crimeville," I think he's actually saying "crime bill.")
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