Nov 29, 2008 23:51
My mom and I actually went out Black Friday shopping yesterday. No, we weren't there at 4am, and we didn't go to any of the places where people were getting trampled to death. I think we were out the door by 8, and we headed to JCPenney, which was crowded but not horrible. I got two tops that look totally fabulous on me, and some tights because I am five years old and love colorful and patterned tights. XD I also got my nephew's Christmas present so it wasn't all about me.
While my mom was standing in line, I noticed a mattress pad with 2" memory foam. I am always on the lookout for something that makes sleeping a less miserable experience for me. I felt the example they had out and went "ooooh...this would make sleeping not hurt." I remember looking at them a while ago, but they were really expensive. But at 65% off? Yes please! My mom even put it on her JCPenney card to get an additional discount, and it's not due until January so I can pay her back then. So in the evening, I put it on my bed along with my new sheets (my old ones finally gave up the ghost, and had a hole in them that I made much bigger in my sleep). I laid down on it and was AMAZED. It was immediately comfortable! I didn't have to shift around to find the perfectly acceptable position; I flopped onto it, sprawled like a teenage boy, and felt no pain whatsoever in my back! And in about a minute, I felt my eyes forcibly closing because my body apparently wanted to HURRY UP AND GET SOME SLEEP WHILE THIS COMFORTABLE SURFACE IS HERE!!!
Needless to say, I slept like a log last night. It was astonishing. For the last few years, I've been sleeping 9-10 hours a night and still waking up tired and achy and finding myself exhausted throughout the day. It typically takes me at least an hour, sometimes more, to fall asleep - I toss and turn until I'm finally tired enough to fall asleep in spite of my back pain. Last night's rest ALONE was worth the $120 I paid for this mattress pad. Not even joking. I think it is proof that God loves me.
In fact, the only reason I'm still up is because I was watching The Hudsucker Proxy on Netflix. You know their new "watch now" system? You can watch older movies they have right off your computer! So I was watching that, and it was pretty good. I'd never heard of it, but Netflix recommended it based on my enjoyment of other lame comedies. XD My favorite moment was when they showed the accounting department, which was rows of mostly-empty desks in a room with blank white walls and lots of bald men with big black glasses, and signs hanging from every ceiling beam that said "HOW MUCH WILL THIS COST?" That, my friends, is what I have to look forward to. Though I have to say one part depressed me - when the guy was giving the financial business report and it was clearly supposed to be a lot of mumbo-jumbo and you weren't supposed to understand it, it was supposed to be funny because it was so out there, and I understood every word. It's official, I will never be cool again.
Well, no matter. Time to go to sleep on my Mattress Of Champions.